BigCommerce Integration Setup Guide

How do I connect my TaxCloud Account to BigCommerce?

  1. Download and install the TaxCloud App. In your dashboard, select Store Setup->Tax, and then ‘Add tax service’.

  1. Select to install the TaxCloud service, which starts the installation process.

  1. Confirm your intent to install the app by selecting the Install button (you must have Admin permissions to install the app).

  1. You will receive an email with a single-use link which allows TaxCloud access to your account data to complete the app installation.

Instructions for BigCommerce App Configuration

For TaxCloud to begin providing sales tax calculations, you will need to complete the following app configurations:

  1. Configure Provider Settings:

    In Settings > Tax > Edit of the TaxCloud app, select "One or more countries" under Provider targeting, then select United States.

2. You will see the below screen for Tax Options. Please note the following:

  • There is the option to submit committed transactions or finalized transactions to TaxCloud for filing. Select the checkbox to proceed with submitting completed transactions to TaxCloud.

If your transactions move into another integration with TaxCloud, do not select this option as it will result in duplicate transactions.

  • Additional fields are provided to add a Taxability Information Code (TIC) for TaxCloud to identify and properly tax items. Add the default TICs for Handling (11000), Shipping (11010), and fully taxable items (0 or blank). Check out all of TaxCloud’s TICs here.

  1. Be sure to click the Save button at the bottom right corner of the page (as shown in the image above).
  • Once the settings are saved, scroll up and select Update Connection at the top right corner of the page. You will be redirected to the TaxCloud account.
  • Go back to Settings > Tax to select the Test Connection button and ensure your BigCommerce store API is connected to TaxCloud

  1. Make sure that prices in your store are entered exclusive of tax. The setting is controlled under Tax Settings. 

  1. Your store is now set up to calculate sales tax using TaxCloud! You will see an enabled sign for the TaxCloud app in Settings > Tax.

Please note your store will initially collect tax in test mode, meaning we will not remit any sales tax on your behalf, and the system will only provide sales tax amounts for a limited time.  To configure which states to calculate tax, to go live, or to get your questions answered using chat, you will need to launch the TaxCloud app under My Apps.

How do I mark my customers as exempt in BigCommerce?

  1. Log into your TaxCloud account. Once logged in, navigate to the "Settings" section and select "Exemption Certificate" from the menu.

  2. Select Add+ at the top right of the page to create an Exemption Certificate if you haven't already added an exemption certificate. Follow the instructions provided within TaxCloud to create one. Ensure that all required information is accurately inputted.

  3. Copy the exemption Certificate ID: After creating the exemption certificate, locate and copy the Exemption Certificate ID generated by TaxCloud. You'll need this ID to link the exemption certificate to your BigCommerce exempt customer.

  4. Navigate to your BigCommerce store. Within the BigCommerce admin panel, navigate to the "Customers" section and select "View" to see a list of your customers.
  • Locate the customer(s) you wish to mark as tax-exempt and select "Edit" next to their name.
  • Add Exemption Certificate ID: Within the customer's details, locate the "Tax Exempt Code" field. Paste the Exemption Certificate ID copied from TaxCloud into this field.
  • Save Changes: Once the Exemption Certificate ID is added, ensure all other customer details are accurate, then click "Save" to apply the changes.

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