How to Enable Collection in a State?
Enabling sales tax for a state in TaxCloud allows TaxCloud to calculate and apply the correct sales tax rate for the states where you are registered to collect tax. This feature is vital for complying with state regulations and ensuring you are meeting your tax collection obligations.
Step 1 - Log into your TaxCloud Account
Step 2 - Navigate to the Thresholds page
Before you proceed with enabling the collection, it’s important to ensure:
- State Registration
- One of the requirements to collect sales tax is registering with the state.
- If you are not yet registered in the state you would like to enable, we would recommend getting registered first.
- If the state is an SST state, we can assist you with getting registered through TaxCloud's streamlined registration process for Streamlined Sales Tax (SST) member states.
- Reach out to
- If the state is a non-member state, our registration team can assist with registering.
- If the state is an SST state, we can assist you with getting registered through TaxCloud's streamlined registration process for Streamlined Sales Tax (SST) member states.
- Location
- Do you have a location in the state?
- Having a location in a state where you are collecting and remitting sales tax create a physical nexus. Our system will use that address to source sales tax rates, depending on state laws.
- Do you have a location in the state?
Before you begin
- Sales Tax ID
- Ensure your sales tax ID is handy. You will be required to enter your sales tax ID in the required field.
1. Log into your TaxCloud Account
- Go to TaxCloud and log in using your credentials.
2. Navigate to the Thresholds Page
Access the State Detail page, and select the ‘Enable Tax Collection’ button. ‘Enable Tax Collection’ can also be accessed two other ways: from the kebab button on the State Details page, or from the kebab button of the list view of the Thresholds management page/component on the home page.
Enable Tax Collection button on the State Details Page Edit State License button on the State Details Page Edit State License button on the Thresholds list view
3. Enable Collection for the State
Click ‘Enable Tax Collection’.
- Enter your sales tax ID
Add the address in the address field
4. Confirm Activation
Once you've enabled collection for a state, the system will show the status as Collecting. This indicates that sales tax will be calculated for any sales made in that state.
5. Review and Adjust as Needed
Periodically review your state collection settings to ensure they are up-to-date with your business's tax obligations. You can adjust the collection settings at any time through the same interface.