How to manually return a transaction in TaxCloud?

In order to Manually Return a Transaction in TaxCloud:

  1. Log in to your TaxCloud account.
  2. Click on Transactions.
  3. Click on Reports.


  1. Locate open the transaction you wish to return.

(This can be done by using the “Text Search” field, and entering the “OrderID, or “CustomerID” associated with that transaction.




 You can also use the “Advanced Search” drop-down menu at the top of the page,




Which Expands to”).




(Here you can filter by Text, State, Date, Transaction Status, or all of the above. Be sure to press the “Set Filters” button to search based on your criteria).

  1. Once you’ve located the transaction, click on it to open it.


(Which should look something like this.)



  1. Select a return date.
  • If returning before the 10th of the month for a prior month’s transactions – Select a date from the prior month.
  • If returning a transaction from the current or any other prior month – Select a date from the current month.


  1. Click Return Order

This process will return the transaction in your TaxCloud account. This only removes the transaction from ax Reporting. If you intend to refund your customer, you would need to do so  from within your e-commerce platform.



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