Video: How to filter your Transactions Report

This video explains how to filter your Transactions Report to display your desired data.

Steps to use the Advanced Search for Transactions

  1. Navigate to Transactions > Reports.
  2. Click on the Advanced Search bar to expand the tab and see your options to filter.
  3. Select your search options and then 'Set Filter' to see the results.
    1. Change the month/year, select a specific date or a range of days within a month by using the calendar icon at the top right corner of the tab.
    2. You can see transactions included in tax reporting by selecting the 'Captured' checkbox.
      1. You can see the returned transactions by checking both the captured and returned boxes.
    3. See test transactions from your sandbox by selecting the 'Only Test Transactions' box.
    4. There's also a text box to search for order ID, customer ID, or city name and a state field to narrow the search to a specific state.

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