Connecting TaxCloud to Adobe Commerce

The TaxCloud integration for Adobe Commerce provides a comprehensive sales tax management solution for your store, automating calculation, collection, and remittance across all U.S. jurisdictions.


You must be on the TaxCloud Premium plan to use the Adobe Commerce integration.

Before you begin

Complete the following steps before you set up the integration to ensure that it works as intended.

Complete TaxCloud setup

Your TaxCloud account must be set up so that the integration with Shopify works correctly.

  1. Sign into TaxCloud.
  2. Complete your TaxCloud Business Profile.
  3. Set up your locations and states.

Look up Taxability Information Codes

Taxability information codes (TICs) help determine whether sales tax applies. Assigning the correct TICs to the goods and services that you sell allows TaxCloud to apply accurate:

  • Sales and use tax rates
  • Product and service exemptions
  • Sales tax holidays

Use our Taxability Information Codes page to look up your goods/services.

  • If there is one TIC that matches all the products that you sell, you can use that code as the default for the integration.
  • If your goods and services don’t match one TIC, assign a specific TIC to each product in your Adobe Commerce store. In this scenario, the default TIC can be 0 (taxed) or a specific TIC.

Step 1: Add Adobe Commerce to your TaxCloud account

In TaxCloud, set up the connection to QuickBooks Online.

  1. Go to the Integrations page.

    Click Add Connection, then click Adobe Commerce.

    In the top-right corner, click Add.

    Enter the integration details.

    1. Enter a Name for the integration.

      This name is used for identification purposes in TaxCloud. For example, if you have multiple integrations connected the name helps you differentiate them.

    2. Enter the URL of your store.
    3. Enter the Taxability Information Code (TIC) that best fits the goods or services that you sell so that TaxCloud can identify and properly tax items. You should have already researched TICs in Before you begin.
      • To search for TICs, expand Need Help Finding your Taxability Information Code (TIC)?
      • If there is no match, enter 0. This will set items to taxable.
  2. Click Finish Setup.
  3. At the bottom of the page under TaxCloud API, note the Key and Login. You'll use this information later to authenticate with Adobe Commerce.

Step 2: Install the TaxCloud extension in Adobe Commerce

You have two options to install the TaxCloud extension for Adobe Commerce and Magento: via Composer or Manual Upload.

Option A: Install via Composer

  1. Access your Adobe Commerce Server:
    1. Connect to your server via SSH.
    2. Navigate to the root directory of your Adobe Commerce project.
  2. Run the following Composer command to install the TaxCloud Module:

    composer require taxcloud/magento2

  3. After installation is complete, run this command to enable the extension:

    bin/magento module:enable TaxCloud_Magento2

  4. Run the Magento setup upgrade and compile commands:

    bin/magento setup:upgrade

    bin/magento setup:di:compile

  5. Clear your cache to apply the changes:

    bin/magento cache:clean

Option B: Manual Installation

  1. Download the TaxCloud extension from the Adobe Commerce Marketplace or from the TaxCloud GitHub page.
  2. Unzip the downloaded archive and upload the files to your server in the directory:


  3. Run this command to enable the extension:

    bin/magento module:enable TaxCloud_Magento2

  4. Run the Magento setup upgrade and compile commands:

    bin/magento setup:upgrade

    bin/magento setup:di:compile

  5. Clear your cache to apply the changes:

    bin/magento cache:clean

Step 3: Configure the TaxCloud Extension for Adobe Commerce

After installing the module, configure TaxCloud within your Adobe Commerce admin panel.

Shipping Origin Settings

  1. In Adobe Commerce, navigate to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Shipping Settings.
  2. Enter the full address for your shipping origin, including the Zip+4 code, to ensure accurate tax calculations.

TaxCloud Configuration

  1. In Adobe Commerce, go to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Tax.
  2. In the TaxCloud Settings, fill in the following fields:
Field Configuration Guidance
Enabled Set to ENABLE to activate the TaxCloud extension.
API ID Get this value from TaxCloud at Integrations > Adobe Commerce. Use the Login displayed under TaxCloud API.
API Key Get this value from TaxCloud at Integrations > Adobe Commerce. The Key is displayed under TaxCloud API.
Default TIC

Enter the default TIC for products that do not have one assigned.

  • Look up the TIC that best fits the goods or services that you sell.
  • If there is no match, enter 0 to set the default as taxable.
Shipping TIC

If you charge your customer your actual shipping cost as can be demonstrated by your invoice from your shipping provider, enter 11010.

If you offer Flat Rate Shipping (regardless of your actual shipping costs), or if you mark up your shipping charges (charging your customers more than your actual shipping cost), enter 11013.

Logging (Optional) Enable to log API calls for debugg≈ing purposes.

Product-Specific Taxability Codes

You can assign a Taxability Information Code (TIC) to individual products that have special tax rules. Navigate to Catalog > Products, select a product, and set its TIC under the Tax Class settings.

Customer Exemption Certificates

If you have tax-exempt customers, you can associate exemption certificates with them by navigating to Customers > All Customers and editing the customer’s account information to add the TaxCloud Exemption Certificate ID. See Marking Customers Exempt in Adobe Commerce for more information.

Note: If you're editing an existing customer the exemption field is listed under Account Information.

Step 4: Send a test order

After you finish setting up the integration, it’s a good idea to send a test order from Adobe Commerce to make sure the transaction appears in TaxCloud and taxes are calculated as expected.

  1. In Adobe Commerce, send a test order.
  2. In TaxCloud, verify that the transaction appeared.
    1. Go to the Transactions page.
    2. Click Advanced Search.
    3. Check Only Test Transactions.
    4. Locate the test transaction. Click the transaction to view more details.

Step 5: Set the Adobe Commerce connection live

After you’re done testing, you can set the connection live in TaxCloud. After this point, all captured transactions are included in reporting and tax remittance. 

  1. In TaxCloud, go to the Integrations page.
  2. Click the Adobe Commerce connection.
  3. In the top-right corner of the page, click Go Live.

  4. Confirm that you want to go live.

That’s it – TaxCloud is set up to handle your tax calculations for your Adobe Commerce store.

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