TaxCloud CSV Column Descriptions
The below table outlines each column in the CSV and the column descriptions. Use this table to assist with completing your CSV to ensure your import is successful.
Column | Column Name | Column Description | Example |
0 | OrderID* | Required Alphanumeric 50 character limit Unique ID to identify each order, credit memo, or return. Can come from the business application. Multiple items within an order will have the same OrderID. See CartItemIndex to differentiate line items. Returned transactions use the original OrderID with a negative CartIndex |
54b-9737-v981 |
1 | CustomerID* | Required Alphanumeric 50 character limit Identifies the order customer. Can come from the business application |
A-123-253b |
2 | TransactionDate* | Required Numerical Date YYYYMMDD Date the transaction or quote was initialized. |
20230914 |
3 | AuthorizedDate* | Required Numerical Date YYYYMMDD Date the transaction was authorized. |
20230914 |
4 | CapturedDate* | Required Numerical Date YYYYMMDD Date the transaction has been finalized or completed. |
20230914 |
5 | DeliveredBySeller* | Required 0 = delivered outside of the seller 1 = delivered by seller Identifies if the seller delivered the items. |
1 |
6 | ShipFromAddr1 | Optional. Suggested for accurate calculations & returns. Alphanumeric 50 character limit Origin address line 1 |
400 Broad St |
7 | ShipFromAddr2 | Optional Alphanumeric 50 character limit Origin address line 2 |
Unit 4 |
8 | ShipFromCity | Optional. Suggested for accurate calculations & returns. Text 50 character limit Origin city |
Seattle |
9 | ShipFromState | Optional. Suggested for accurate calculations & returns. Text 2 character limit Origin state abbreviated |
WA |
10 | ShipFromZip5* | Required Numerical 5 character limit Origin 5-digit zip code *Make sure your file doesn’t remove leading zeros |
98109 |
11 | ShipFromZip4 | Optional. Suggested for accurate calculations & returns. Numerical 4 character limit Origin +4 zip code *Make sure your file doesn’t remove leading zeros |
4607 |
12 | ShipToAddr1 | Optional. Suggested for accurate calculations & returns. Alphanumeric 50 character limit Destination address line 1 |
20 W 34th St |
13 | ShipToAddr2 | Optional. Suggested for accurate calculations & returns. Alphanumeric 50 character limit Destination address line 2 |
Apt. 123 |
14 | ShipToCity | Optional. Suggested for accurate calculations & returns. Text 50 character limit Destination city |
New York |
15 | ShipToState | Optional. Suggested for accurate calculations & returns. Text 2 character limit Destination state abbreviated |
NY |
16 | ShipToZip5* | Required Numerical 5 character limit Destination 5-digit zip code *Make sure your file doesn’t remove leading zeros |
10118 |
17 | ShipToZip4 | Optional. Suggested for accurate calculations & returns. Numerical 4 character limit Origin +4 zip code *Make sure your file doesn’t remove leading zeros |
0114 |
18 | CartItemIndex* | Required Numerical Starting from 0 to 100 0 = line item 1 1 = line item 2 2 = line item 3 Each line item must have a unique value per OrderID. If an order has more than 100 line items, reach out to TaxCloud Support to expand. Returning transactions needs the associated cart item index |
0 |
19 | CartItem* | Required Alphanumerical 50 character limit Identifies the product. Ex: SKU, item code from the business application, or description. |
Product_A |
20 | CartItemTIC* | Required Numerical TaxCloud Taxability Information Code for items with special taxability. Ex – clothing, food, shipping. 99999 will accept previously calculated tax. |
99999 |
21 | CartItemPrice* | Required Numerical Price of the line item. Always a positive value. |
19.21 |
22 | CartItemQty* | Required Numerical Quantity of items. Return a transaction within TaxCloud by using a negative quantity amount. Do not use a negative price amount. |
2 or -2 |
23 | CartItemTaxRate | Optional Numerical 0.99 (99%) rate limit Tax rate used to calculate |
.09125 |
24 | CartItemTaxAmount | Optional. (Required for previously calculated transactions using TIC 99999.) Tax amount due for the line item. |
3.51 |
25 | ExcludeFromFiling | Required Text 5 character limit Indicate TRUE or FALSE. TRUE indicates that a transaction should not be included in filing. False indicates that a transaction should be included in filing. |
26 | ExemptionCertificateID | Optional Alphanumerical 50 character limit Uniquely identifies an exemption certificate. Any values used will exempt the transaction. Suggest using the certificate ID. |
1d35b070-1078-ea11-8208-a27b761741c1 |