When is the deadline to upload my transactions to TaxCloud?

TaxCloud performs two report generations each month:

  1. On the 3rd; and
  2. Another after the 10th

To ensure that your transactions are included in your reports, you will need to upload any data by the 10th of each month.

If I need to have transactions disabled, when should I submit my request?

You will want to submit any requests to update your data before the 10th of each month. That will allow our engineers enough time to ensure the reports are updated and repopulated.

Can I get an extension to upload my data?

Not at this time, unfortunately. To ensure our Filing teams submit your returns on time, you will need to submit your data no later than the deadline.

How to upload your data ?

If you need to manually add or change the data imported to your account, or if you do not have a data import-capable integration, you'll manually upload your transaction data via CSV.

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