TaxCloud Taxability Information Codes (TIC)

What is a Taxability Information Code (TIC)?

A Taxability Information Code (TIC), is a code that tells the TaxCloud engine whether the items should be taxable or not depending on the destination address of the sale, allowing an item or a service sold to have accurate tax rates applied. The TIC takes into account:

  • Sales and use tax rates
  • Product and Service exclusions
  • Sales Tax Holidays

What if I can't find a TIC for my product/service?

Rule of thumb is to use "uncategorized" TIC 0 if your product is taxable in all 50 states.

If your products are not taxable in all 50 states (i.e. they have some tax exclusion in 1 or more states), you'll want to use the TIC code from the list below that most closely describes or matches your product. Using this TIC code will tell the TaxCloud system to tax that product appropriately according to the destination address of the sale.

Note: While we can't advise you regarding which code your product/service would fall into, if we don’t have a code for your specific item and the item isn't taxed at a special rate, you can leave the TIC blank and we will treat the item as fully taxable goods.

If you would like to request support for a product category that's not listed below, please contact our Support Team and we'll keep you updated on new additions to our supported taxability information codes.

What TIC(s) are currently available on TaxCloud?

The table below lists all of the TICs available to be used for an item/service that you sell:

Use Ctrl+F (Cmd+F on Mac) to quickly search keywords for a TIC.

Parent TIC - Category




- 0 Uncategorized Any product or service that does not fit within the other defined categories.
10000 10010 Charges by the seller for any services necessary to complete the sale other than delivery and installation Charges by the seller for any services necessary to complete the sale (other than delivery credit card processing fees or installation). This means any charges separately contracted for or separately stated on the invoice or similar document and the amount is not the sales price.
10000 10040 Installation charges Installation charges related to installation or configuration of tangible personal property.

10001 Shipping Transportation shipping postage and similar charges.Please select Postage/Shipping TIC 11010 if you are charging your customer your actual shipping cost as can be demonstrated by your invoice from your shipping provider.If you offer "Flat Rate Shipping" (regardless of your actual shipping costs) or if you markup your shipping charges (charging your customers more than your actual shipping cost) you should use Shipping & Handling TIC 11000 available in the Administrative TIC category.

10000 Administrative

20000 Clothing Clothing means all human wearing apparel suitable for general use. Select a subcategory for details.

30000 Computers, Electronics, and Appliances

94000 Construction Materials Raw materials of varying types such as wood metal or concrete that are intended to become parts of a building or structure.

20150 All Disaster preparedness supplies Disaster preparedness supply means an item purchased in preparation or response to a disaster including any fire flood storm tidal wave earthquake or similar public calamity whether man-made resulting from war or resulting from natural causes.Disaster preparedness supply shall include the following categories of items:General disaster preparedness supplies;disaster preparedness safety supplies;disaster preparedness food-related supplies; anddisaster preparedness fastening supplies.

90100 Flags and Banners Flags banners and standards that represent nations states provinces organizations and causes.

40000 Foods and Beverages Foods and Beverages

50000 Medical Related Medical and Hygiene Related
10000 10060 Value of trade-in Value of tangible personal property traded-in on the sale of other tangible personal property may reduce the selling price if the value of the trade-in is separately stated on the invoice. Note: Many states place additional limitations on “trade-ins” so you should ensure that you use the TIC that most narrowly describes your transaction. Use TICs 10061 through 10065 for trade-ins with limitations.
10000 10070 Telecommunication nonrecurring charges Telecommunication nonrecurring charges
10001 11000 Handling, crating, packing, preparation for mailing or delivery, and similar charges Handling crating packing preparation for mailing or delivery and similar charges.
10001 11010 Transportation, shipping, postage, and similar charges Transportation shipping postage and similar charges.IMPORTANT: TIC 11010 should only be used if your are charging your customer your actual shipping cost as can be demonstrated by your invoice from your shipping provider.If you offer "Flat Rate Shipping" (regardless of your actual shipping costs) or if you markup your shipping charges (charing your customers more than your actual shipping cost) you should use Shipping TIC 11013.
11100 11020 Handling, crating, packing, preparation for mailing or delivery, and similar charges for direct mail Direct Mail Handling crating packing preparation for mailing or delivery and similar charges.
11100 11021 Transportation, shipping, and similar charges for direct mail Direct Mail Transportation shipping and similar charges.
11100 11022 Postage for direct mail Direct Mail Postage.
20000 20010 Clothing Clothing means all human wearing apparel suitable for general use. The following list contains examples and is not intended to be all-inclusive."Clothing" shall include:Aprons household and shop;Athletic supporters;Baby receiving blankets;Bathing suits and caps;Beach capes and coats;Belts and suspenders;Boots;Coats and jackets;Costumes;Diapers children and adult including disposable diapers;Ear muffs;Footlets;Formal wear;Garters and garter belts;Girdles;Gloves and mittens for general use;Hats and caps;Hosiery;Insoles for shoes;Lab coats;Neckties;Overshoes;Pantyhose;Rainwear;Rubber pants;Sandals;Scarves;Shoes and shoe laces;Slippers;Sneakers;Socks and stockings;Steel-toed shoes;Underwear;Uniforms athletic and non-athletic; andWedding apparel."Clothing" shall not include:Belt buckles sold separately;Costume masks sold separately;Patches and emblems sold separately;Sewing equipment and supplies including but not limited to: knitting needles patterns pins scissors sewing machines sewing needles tape measures and thimbles; andSewing materials that become part of “clothing” including but not limited to: buttons fabric lace thread yarn and zippers. Use TIC 92062 for baby and toddler clothing apparel and shoes.
20000 20015 Essential clothing priced below a state specific threshold Essential clothing means any article of clothing with a sales price below a dollar threshold set by a member state if that state chooses to tax essential clothing differently than clothing.
20000 20020 Clothing accessories or equipment Clothing accessories or equipment means incidental items worn on the person or in conjunction with clothing. Clothing accessories or equipment are mutually exclusive of and may be taxed differently than apparel within the definition of clothing sport or recreational equipment and protective equipment. The following list contains examples and is not intended to be all-inclusive.Clothing accessories or equipment shall include:Briefcases;Cosmetics;Hair notions including but not limited to barrettes hair bows and hair nets;Handbags;Handkerchiefs;Sunglasses non-prescription;Umbrellas;Wallets;Watches; andWigs and hairpieces.Clothing accessories or equipment does not include Jewelry (TIC: 92100).

TIC 20021 for non-prescription sunglasses.
20000 20030 Protective equipment Protective equipment means items for human wear and designed as protection of the wearer against injury or disease or as protections against damage or injury of other persons or property but not suitable for general use. Protective equipment are mutually exclusive of and may be taxed differently than apparel within the definition of clothing clothing accessories or equipment and sport or recreational equipment. The following list contains examples and is not intended to be all-inclusive.Protective equipment shall include:Breathing masks;Clean room apparel and equipment;Ear and hearing protectors;Face shields;Hard hats;Helmets;Paint or dust respirators;Protective gloves;Safety glasses and goggles;Safety belts;Tool belts; andWelders gloves and masks.. Use the following TICs for specific protective equipment:

20300 Work gloves

20301 Safety glasses

20302 Protective coveralls

20303 Hearing protection items

20304 Tool belts

20305 Hard hats and other head protection

20306 High-visibility safety vests
20000 20040 Sport or recreational equipment Sport or recreational equipment means items designed for human use and worn in conjunction with an athletic or recreational activity that are not suitable for general use. Sport or recreational equipment are mutually exclusive of and may be taxed differently than apparel within the definition of clothing clothing accessories or equipment and protective equipment.The following list contains examples and is not intended to be all-inclusive. Sport or recreational equipment shall include:Ballet and tap shoes;Cleated or spiked athletic shoes;Gloves including but not limited to baseball bowling boxing hockey and golf;Goggles;Hand and elbow guards;Life preservers and vests;Mouth guards;Roller and ice skates;Shin guards;Shoulder pads;Ski boots;Waders; andWetsuits and fins.
20000 20050 Fur clothing Fur clothing means clothing that is required to be labeled as a fur product under the Federal Fur Products Labeling Act (15 U.S.C. º69) and the value of the fur components in the product is more than three times the value of the next most valuable tangible component. Fur clothing is human wearing apparel suitable for general use but may be taxed differently than clothing. For the purposes of the definition of fur clothing the term fur means any animal skin or part thereof with hair fleece or fur fibers attached thereto either in its raw or processed state but shall not include such skins that have been converted into leather or suede or those from which in processing the hair fleece or fur fiber has been completely removed.
30000 20060 Energy star qualified product ENERGY STAR qualified product includes any equipment appliance or electronics sold with the ENERGY STAR label.ENERGY STAR is a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy. For specifc energy star products use TICs 21001 through 21017.

20070 School supply School supplies
20070 20080 School art supply Art supplies (School supply)

91000 Services Generic Services TIC 91000About Services and TaxabilityUnlike Tangible Personal Property (TPP) which is always taxable unless specifically exempted by statute services typically enjoy an inverse status - services are exempt from sales tax unless the service is specifically enumerated in a state's law as being taxable.What does this mean?If you are selling a service which is separately stated on the invoice from other items of Tangible Personal Property then you should look for your service to be described in one of our Service sub-categories.If you cannot find a match and you know your service is taxable in your state please let us know so we can prepare the research necessary to add that service to our list.If you cannot find anything that seems like a good match to describe your service (and your accountant or tax adviser agrees) than you should use this Generic Services TIC: 91000 to describe your service.
20070 20090 School instructional material Instructional material (School supply)

60000 Telecommunications service Telecommunications service means the electronic transmission conveyance or routing of voice data audio video or any other information or signals to a point or between or among points. The term telecommunications service includes such transmission conveyance or routing in which computer processing applications are used to act on the form code or protocol of the content for purposes of transmission conveyance or routing without regard to whether such service is referred to as voice over Internet protocol services or is classified by the Federal Communications Commission as enhanced or value added. Telecommunications service does not include:Data processing and information services that allow data to be generated acquired stored processed or retrieved and delivered by an electronic transmission to a purchaser where such purchaser's primary purpose for the underlying transaction is the processed data or information;Installation or maintenance of wiring or equipment on a customer's premises;Tangible personal property;Advertising including but not limited to directory advertising;Billing and collection services provided to third parties;Internet access service;Radio and television audio and video programming services regardless of the medium including the furnishing of transmission conveyance and routing of such services by the programming service provider. Radio and television audio and video programming services shall include but not be limited to cable service as defined in 47 USC 522(6) and audio and video programming services delivered by commercial mobile radio service providers as defined in 47 CFR 20.3;Ancillary services; orDigital products delivered electronically including but not limited to software music video reading materials or ringtones.The terms ancillary services and telecommunications service are defined as a broad range of services. The terms ancillary services and telecommunications service are broader than the sum of the subcategories. Definitions of subcategories of ancillary services and telecommunications service can be used by a member state alone or in combination with other subcategories to define a narrower tax base than the definitions of ancillary services and telecommunications service would imply. The subcategories can also be used by a member state to provide exemptions for certain subcategories of the more broadly defined terms. A member state that specifically imposes tax on or exempts from tax local telephone or local telecommunications service may define local service in any manner in accordance with Section 327 of the SSUTA Agreement except as limited by other sections of the SSUTA Agreement.
20070 20100 School computer supply Computer supplies (School supply)
20070 20110 Computers Computers (School supply)
20070 20120 Prewritten computer software Prewritten computer software (School Supply)
30000 30015 Non-prewritten (custom) computer software Computer software means a set of coded instructions designed to cause a computer or automatic data processing equipment to perform a task.Non-prewritten computer software means any computer software (a set of coded instructions designed to cause a computer or automatic data processing equipment to perform a task) including upgrades that is designed and developed to the specifications of a specific purchaser.Non-prewritten computer software shall not include the situation where a person modifies or enhances prewritten computer software. Prewritten computer software or a prewritten portion thereof that is modified or enhanced to any degree where such modification or enhancement is designed and developed to the specifications of a specific purchaser remains prewritten computer software provided however that where there is a reasonable separately stated charge or an invoice or other statement of the price given to the purchaser for such modification or enhancement such modification or enhancement shall not constitute prewritten computer software.By default non-prewritten software is delivered to the purchaser by means of tangible storage media (cd/dvd/disk etc.).
30015 30025 Non-prewritten (custom) computer software delivered electronically Download means custom or non-prewritten computer software delivered to the purchaser by means other than tangible storage media.
30015 30035 Non-prewritten (custom) computer software delivered via load and leave Mandatory computer software maintenance contracts Delivered by installer means custom or non-prewritten computer software delivered to the purchaser by use of a tangible storage media where the tangible storage media is not physically transferred to the purchaser.
30000 30040 Prewritten computer software Computer software means a set of coded instructions designed to cause a computer or automatic data processing equipment to perform a task.Prewritten computer software means computer software (a set of coded instructions designed to cause a computer or automatic data processing equipment to perform a task) including prewritten upgrades that is not designed and developed by the author or other creator to the specifications of a specific purchaser.The combining of two or more prewritten computer software programs or prewritten portions thereof does not cause the combination to be other than prewritten computer software.Prewritten computer software includes software designed and developed by the author or other creator to the specifications of a specific purchaser when it is sold to a person other than the specific purchaser. Where a person modifies or enhances computer software of which the person is not the author or creator the person shall be deemed to be the author or creator only of such person's modifications or enhancements. Prewritten computer software or a prewritten portion thereof that is modified or enhanced to any degree where such modification or enhancement is designed and developed to the specifications of a specific purchaser remains prewritten computer software provided however that where there is a reasonable separately stated charge or an invoice or other statement of the price given to the purchaser for such modification or enhancement such modification or enhancement shall not constitute prewritten computer software.By default prewritten software is delivered to the purchaser by means of tangible storage media (cd/dvd/disk etc.).
30040 30050 Prewritten computer software delivered electronically Download means prewritten computer software delivered to the purchaser by download or any means other than tangible storage media.Does not include electronic books electronic documents audio or video downloads or streaming ringtones or any other electronically delivered goods.
30040 30060 Prewritten computer software delivered via load and leave Delivered by installer means prewritten computer software delivered to the purchaser by use of a tangible storage media where the tangible storage media is not physically transferred to the purchaser.
30000 30100 Computer Computer means an electronic device that accepts information in digital or similar form and manipulates it for a result based on a sequence of instructions. Computers frequently attract exemptions during sales tax holidays so long as the computer is intended for individual use (not for use in a trade or business).Computers are usually sold on a stand-alone basis or bundled with one or more computer peripherals (including preinstalled software) and sold for a single price. Such a computer bundle may include items that would normally be taxable if sold on a stand-alone basis.
30040 30200 Mandatory computer software maintenance contracts with respect to prewritten computer software Required maintenance contract means a computer software maintenance contract that the customer is obligated by contract to purchase as a condition to the retail sale of computer software.A member state may limit the definition of software maintenance contract to one or more of the following:Computer software maintenance contracts with respect to prewritten computer software;Optional computer software maintenance contracts;Mandatory computer software maintenance contracts;Optional computer software maintenance contracts that do not include upgrades and updates delivered electronically by load and leave or both;Computer software maintenance contracts that only obligate a vendor of computer software to provide a customer with future updates or upgrades to computer software
30200 30210 Mandatory computer software maintenance contracts with respect to prewritten computer software which is delivered electronically Download means updates to prewritten computer software delivered to the purchaser by means other than tangible storage media.
30200 30220 Mandatory computer software maintenance contracts with respect to prewritten computer software which is delivered via load and leave Delivered by installer means updates to prewritten computer software delivered to the purchaser by use of a tangible storage media where the tangible storage media is not physically transferred to the purchaser.
30015 30230 Mandatory computer software maintenance contracts with respect to non-prewritten (custom) computer software Required maintenance contract is a computer software maintenance contract that the customer is obligated by contract to purchase as a condition to the retail sale of computer software.A member state may limit the definition of software maintenance contract to one or more of the following:Computer software maintenance contracts with respect to prewritten computer software;Optional computer software maintenance contracts;Mandatory computer software maintenance contracts;Optional computer software maintenance contracts that do not include upgrades and updates delivered electronically by load and leave or both;Computer software maintenance contracts that only obligate a vendor of computer software to provide a customer with future updates or upgrades to computer software
30230 30240 Mandatory computer software maintenance contracts with respect to non-prewritten (custom) software which is delivered electronically Download means updates to non-prewritten computer software delivered to the purchaser by means other than tangible storage media.
30230 30250 Mandatory computer software maintenance contracts with respect to non-prewritten (custom) software which is delivered via load and leave Delivered by installer means updates to non-prewritten computer software delivered to the purchaser by use of a tangible storage media where the tangible storage media is not physically transferred to the purchaser.
30040 30300 Optional computer software maintenance contracts with respect to prewritten computer software that only provide updates or upgrades with respect to the software An optional computer maintenance contract is a computer software maintenance contract that a customer is not obligated to purchase as a condition to the retail sale of computer software.An optional maintenance contract may include one or more training sessions.
30300 30310 Optional computer software maintenance contracts with respect to prewritten computer software that only provide updates or upgrades delivered electronically with respect to the software Download means updates to prewritten computer software delivered to the purchaser by means other than tangible storage media.
30300 30320 Optional computer software maintenance contracts with respect to prewritten computer software that only provide updates or upgrades delivered via load and leave with respect to the software Delivered by installer means updates to prewritten computer software delivered to the purchaser by use of a tangible storage media where the tangible storage media is not physically transferred to the purchaser.
30015 30330 Optional computer software maintenance contracts with respect to non-prewritten (custom) computer software that only provide updates or upgrades with respect to the software An optional updates only maintenance contract is a computer software maintenance contract that a customer is not obligated to purchase as a condition to purchase of non-prewritten computer software.
30330 30340 Optional computer software maintenance contracts with respect to non-prewritten (custom) computer software that only provide updates or upgrades delivered electronically with respect to the software Download means updates to non-prewritten computer software delivered to the purchaser by means other than tangible storage media.
30330 30350 Optional computer software maintenance contracts with respect to non-prewritten (custom) computer software that only provide updates or upgrades delivered via load and leave with respect to the software Delivered by installer means updates to non-prewritten computer software delivered to the purchaser by an installer.
30015 30360 Optional computer software maintenance contracts with respect to non-prewritten (custom) computer software that only provide support services to the software An optional support only maintenance contract is a computer software maintenance contract that a customer is not obligated to purchase as a condition to purchase of non-prewritten computer software.
30015 30370 Optional computer software maintenance contracts with respect to non-prewritten (custom) computer software that provide updates or upgrades and support services to the softwareAppendix E An optional support services and software updates maintenance contract is a computer software maintenance contract that a customer is not obligated to purchase as a condition to purchase of non-prewritten computer software.By default updates are delivered to the purchaser by means of tangible storage media (cd/dvd/disk etc.).
30370 30380 Optional computer software maintenance contracts with respect to non-prewritten (custom) computer software that provide updates or upgrades delivered electronically and support services to the software Download means updates non-prewritten computer software delivered to the purchaser by means other than tangible storage media.
30370 30390 Optional computer software maintenance contracts with respect to non-prewritten (custom) computer software provide updates or upgrades delivered via load and leave and support services to the software Delivered by installer means updates to non-prewritten computer software delivered to the purchaser by an installer.
30040 30400 Optional computer software maintenance contracts with respect to prewritten computer software that provide updates or upgrades and support services to the software An optional updates only maintenance contract is a computer software maintenance contract that a customer is not obligated to purchase as a condition to purchase of prewritten computer software.
30400 30410 Optional computer software maintenance contracts with respect to prewritten computer software that provide updates and upgrades delivered electronically and support services to the software Download means updates to prewritten computer software delivered to the purchaser by means other than tangible storage media.
30400 30420 Optional computer software maintenance contracts with respect to prewritten computer software that provide updates and upgrades delivered via load and leave and support services to the software Delivered by installer means updates to prewritten computer software delivered to the purchaser by an installer.
30040 30430 Optional computer software maintenance contracts with respect to prewritten computer software that only provide support services to the software An optional support only maintenance contract is a computer software maintenance contract that a customer is not obligated to purchase as a condition to purchase of prewritten computer software.
30000 31000 Products Transferred Electronically For purposes of the definitions of digital products transferred electronically means obtained by the purchaser by means other than tangible storage media.
31035 31040 Digital Audio Visual Works (with rights for permanent use) Digital audio-visual works with rights for permanent use.Does not include downloadable audio streaming video electronic books or any type of downloadable video with less than permanent use rights (rentals); see also TIC 31050 (rental use) and TIC 31060 (subscription-based use).
31035 31050 Digital Audio Visual Works (with rights of less than permanent use) Downloaded audio-visual works with rights of less than permanent use
31035 31060 Digital Audio Visual Works (with rights conditioned on continued payments) Downloaded or streaming audio-visual works with rights conditioned on continued payments.
31035 31065 Digital Audio Visual Works sold to users other than the end user Digital audio-visual works sold to users other than the end user.
31069 31070 Digital Audio Works (with rights for permanent use) Digital audio works such as music or audio books that are downloaded with rights for permanent use.Does not include downloadable video streaming audio electronic books or audio downloads with less than permanent use rights (rentals); see also TIC 31080 (rental use) and TIC 31090 (subscription-based use).
31069 31080 Digital Audio Works (with rights of less than permanent use) Downloaded audio works with rights of less than permanent use.
31069 31090 Digital Audio Works (with rights conditioned on continued payments) Downloaded or streaming audio works with rights conditioned on continued payments.
31069 31095 Digital Audio Works sold to users other than the end user Digital audio works sold to users other than the end user.
31099 31100 Digital Books (with rights for permanent use) Digital books with rights for permanent use.
31099 31110 Digital Books (with rights of less than permanent use) Digital books with rights of less than permanent use.
31099 31120 Digital Books (with rights conditioned on continued payments) Digital books with rights conditioned on continued payments.
31099 31125 Digital Books sold to users other than the end user Digital books sold to users other than the end user.
40000 40010 Candy Candy means a preparation of sugar honey or other natural or artificial sweeteners in combination with chocolate fruits nuts or other ingredients or flavorings in the form of bars drops or pieces. Candy shall not include any preparation containing flour and shall require no refrigeration.
40000 40020 Dietary Supplements Dietary supplement means any product other than tobacco intended to supplement the diet that:Contains one or more of the following dietary ingredients:A vitamin;A mineral;An herb or other botanical;An amino acid;A dietary substance for use by humans to supplement the diet by increasing the total dietary intake; orA concentrate metabolite constituent extract or combination of any ingredient described in above; andIs intended for ingestion in tablet capsule powder softgel gelcap or liquid form or if not intended for ingestion in such a form is not represented as conventional food and is not represented for use as a sole item of a meal or of the diet; andIs required to be labeled as a dietary supplement identifiable by the Supplemental Facts box found on the label and as required pursuant to 21 C.F.R. Section 101.36 (Food and Drug Administration Department of Health and Human Services Nutrition Labeling Requirements and Guidelines of dietary supplements).
40000 40030 Food and food ingredients excluding alcoholic beverages and tobacco Food and food ingredients means substances whether in liquid concentrated solid frozen dried or dehydrated form that are sold for ingestion or chewing by humans and are consumed for their taste or nutritional value.Note: Excludes alcoholic beverages and tobacco.
40000 40040 Food sold through vending machines Food sold through vending machines means food dispensed from a machine or other mechanical device that accepts payment.
90400 40050 Soft Drinks Soft Drinks Sport Drinks and Sodas means non-alcoholic beverages that contain natural or artificial sweeteners inlcuding carbonated and non-corbonated bottled and non-bottled (such as soft drink mixes and powser liquid or tabled form) with less than 25% vegetable or fruit juice by volume sold in containers larger than 4 ounces.Soft drinks do not include beverages that contain milk or milk products; soy rice or similar milk substitutes.
40000 41000 Prepared Food Prepared food means:Food sold in a heated state or heated by the seller;Two or more food ingredients mixed or combined by the seller for sale as a single item; orFood sold with eating utensils provided by the seller including plates knives forks spoons glasses cups napkins or straws. A plate does not include a container or packaging used to transport the food.Prepared food in B does not include food that is only cut repackaged or pasteurized by the seller and eggs fish meat poultry and foods containing these raw animal foods requiring cooking by the consumer as recommended by the Food and Drug Administration in chapter 3 part 401.11 of its Food Code so as to prevent foodborne illnesses.
41000 41010 Food sold without eating utensils provided by the seller whose primary NAICS classification is manufacturing in sector 311, except subsector 3118 (bakeries) Food sold without eating utensils provided by the seller whose primary NAICS classification is manufacturing in sector 311 (food manufacturing) except subsector 3118 (bakeries).
41000 41020 Food sold without eating utensils provided by the seller in an unheated state by weight or volume as a single item Food sold without eating utensils provided by the seller in an unheated state by weight or volume as a single item.
41000 41030 Bakery items sold without eating utensils provided by the seller, including bread, rolls, buns, biscuits, bagels, croissants, pastries, donuts, Danish, cakes, tortes, pies, tarts, muffins, bars, cookies, tortillas Bakery items sold without eating utensils provided by the seller including bread rolls buns biscuits bagels croissants pastries donuts Danish cakes tortes pies tarts muffins bars cookies and tortillas.
51001 51010 Drugs for human use without a prescription Without a prescription
51001 51020 Drugs, other than over-the-counter drugs, for human use with a prescription With a prescription
51002 51030 Drugs for animal use without a prescription Without a prescription
51002 51040 Drugs for animal use with a prescription With a prescription
51055 51050 Insulin for human use without a prescription Without a prescription
51055 51060 Insulin for human use with a prescription With a prescription
51075 51070 Insulin for animal use without a prescription Without a prescription
51075 51080 Insulin for animal use with a prescription With a prescription
51095 51090 Medical oxygen for human use without a prescription Without a prescription
51095 51100 Medical oxygen for human use with a prescription With a prescription
51115 51110 Medical oxygen for animal use without a prescription Without a prescription
51115 51120 Medical oxygen for animal use with a prescription With a prescription
51135 51130 Over-the-counter drugs for human use without a prescription Without a prescription
51135 51140 Over-the-counter drugs for human use with a prescription With a prescription
51155 51150 Over-the-counter drugs for animal use without a prescription Without a prescription
51155 51160 Over-the-counter drugs for animal use with a prescription With a prescription
51001 51170 Grooming and hygiene products for human use Grooming and hygiene products are soaps and cleaning solutions shampoo toothpaste mouthwash antiperspirants and suntan lotions and sunscreens regardless of whether the items meet the definition of over-the-counter drugs.
51170 51172 Grooming and hygiene products for human use Grooming and hygiene products are soaps and cleaning solutions shampoo toothpaste mouthwash antiperspirants and suntan lotions and sunscreens regardless of whether the items meet the definition of over-the-counter drugs with a prescription.
51170 51171 Grooming and hygiene products for human use Grooming and hygiene products are soaps and cleaning solutions shampoo toothpaste mouthwash antiperspirants and suntan lotions and sunscreens regardless of whether the items meet the definition of over-the-counter drugs without a prescription.
51002 51180 Grooming and hygiene products for animal use Grooming and hygiene products are soaps and cleaning solutions shampoo toothpaste mouthwash antiperspirants and suntan lotions and sunscreens regardless of whether the items meet the definition of over-the-counter drugs.
51010 51190 Drugs for human use to hospitals Non-prescription drugs for human use to hospitals
51010 51195 Drugs for human use to other medical facilities Non-prescription drugs for human use to other medical facilities
51020 51200 Prescription drugs for human use to hospitals Prescription drugs for human use to hospitals
51020 51205 Prescription drugs for human use to other medical facilities Prescription drugs for human use to other medical facilities
51030 51210 Drugs for animal use to veterinary hospitals and other animal medical facilities Non-prescription drugs for animal use to veterinary hospitals and other animal medical facilities
51040 51220 Prescription drugs for animal use to hospitals and other animal medical facilities Prescription drugs for animal use to hospitals and other animal medical facilities
51245 51240 Free samples of drugs for human use Free samples of drugs for human use
51245 51250 Free samples of prescription drugs for human use Free samples of drugs for human use
51265 51260 Free samples of drugs for animal use
51265 51270 Free samples of prescription drugs for animal use
52005 52010 Durable medical equipment without a prescription
52005 52020 Durable medical equipment with a prescription
52020 52030 Durable medical equipment with a prescription paid for by Medicare
52020 52040 Durable medical equipment with a prescription reimbursed by Medicare
52020 52050 Durable medical equipment with a prescription paid for by MedicaidAppendix E
52020 52060 Durable medical equipment with a prescription reimbursed by Medicaid
52065 52070 Durable medical equipment for home use without a prescription
52065 52080 Durable medical equipment for home use with a prescription
52080 52090 Durable medical equipment for home use with a prescription paid for by Medicare
52080 52100 Durable medical equipment for home use with a prescription reimbursed by Medicare
52080 52110 Durable medical equipment for home use with a prescription paid for by Medicaid
52080 52120 Durable medical equipment for home use with a prescription reimbursed by Medicaid
52128 52130 Oxygen delivery equipment without a prescription
52128 52140 Oxygen delivery equipment with a prescription
52140 52150 Oxygen delivery equipment with a prescription paid for by Medicare
52140 52160 Oxygen delivery equipment with a prescription reimbursed by Medicare
52140 52170 Oxygen delivery equipment with a prescription paid for by Medicaid
52140 52180 Oxygen delivery equipment with a prescription reimbursed by Medicaid
52185 52190 Oxygen delivery equipment for home use without a prescription
52185 52200 Oxygen delivery equipment for home use with a prescription
52200 52210 Oxygen delivery equipment with a prescription for home use paid for by Medicare
52200 52220 Oxygen delivery equipment with a prescription for home use reimbursed by Medicare
52200 52230 Oxygen delivery equipment with a prescription for home use paid for by Medicaid
52200 52240 Oxygen delivery equipment with a prescription for home use reimbursed by Medicaid
52248 52250 Kidney dialysis equipment without a prescription
52248 52260 Kidney dialysis equipment with a prescription
52260 52270 Kidney dialysis equipment with a prescription paid for by Medicare
52270 52280 Kidney dialysis equipment with a prescription reimbursed by Medicare
52270 52290 Kidney dialysis equipment with a prescription paid for by Medicaid
52270 52300 Kidney dialysis equipment with a prescription reimbursed by Medicaid
52305 52310 Kidney dialysis equipment for home use without a prescription
52305 52320 Kidney dialysis equipment for home use with a prescription
52320 52330 Kidney dialysis equipment for home use with a prescription paid for by Medicare
52320 52340 Kidney dialysis equipment for home use with a prescription reimbursed by Medicare
52320 52350 Kidney dialysis equipment for home use with a prescription paid for by Medicaid
52320 52360 Kidney dialysis equipment for home use with a prescription reimbursed by Medicaid
52368 52370 Enteral feeding systems without a prescription
52368 52380 Enteral feeding systems with a prescription
52380 52390 Enteral feeding systems with a prescription paid for by Medicare
52380 52400 Enteral feeding systems with a prescription reimbursed by Medicare
52380 52410 Enteral feeding systems with a prescription paid for by Medicaid
52380 52420 Enteral feeding systems with a prescription reimbursed by Medicaid
52425 52430 Enteral feeding systems for home use without a prescription
52425 52440 Enteral feeding systems for home use with a prescription
52440 52450 Enteral feeding systems for home use with a prescription paid for by Medicare
52440 52460 Enteral feeding systems for home use with a prescription reimbursed by Medicare
52440 52470 Enteral feeding systems for home use with a prescription paid for by Medicaid
52440 52480 Enteral feeding systems for home use with a prescription reimbursed by Medicaid
52000 52490 Repair and replacement parts for durable medical equipment which are for single patient use
53000 53010 Mobility enhancing equipment without a prescription
53000 53020 Mobility enhancing equipment with a prescriptionAppendix E
53020 53030 Mobility enhancing equipment with a prescription paid for by Medicare
53020 53040 Mobility enhancing equipment with a prescription reimbursed by Medicare
53020 53050 Mobility enhancing equipment with a prescription paid for by Medicaid
53020 53060 Mobility enhancing equipment with a prescription reimbursed by Medicaid
54000 54010 Prosthetic devices without a prescription
54000 54020 Prosthetic devices with a prescription
54020 54030 Prosthetic devices paid with a prescription for by Medicare
54020 54040 Prosthetic devices with a prescription reimbursed by Medicare
54020 54050 Prosthetic devices with a prescription paid for by Medicaid
54020 54060 Prosthetic devices with a prescription reimbursed by Medicaid
54065 54070 Corrective eyeglasses without a prescription
54065 54080 Corrective eyeglasses with a prescription
54080 54090 Corrective eyeglasses with a prescription paid for by Medicare
54080 54100 Corrective eyeglasses with a prescription reimbursed by Medicare
54080 54110 Corrective eyeglasses with a prescription paid for by Medicaid
54080 54120 Corrective eyeglasses with a prescription reimbursed by Medicaid
54125 54130 Contact lenses without a prescription
54125 54140 Contact lenses with a prescription
54140 54150 Contact lenses with a prescription paid for by Medicare
54140 54160 Contact lenses with a prescription reimbursed by Medicare
54140 54170 Contact lenses with a prescription paid for by Medicaid
54140 54180 Contact lenses with a prescription reimbursed by Medicaid
54185 54190 Hearing aids without a prescription
54185 54200 Hearing aids with a prescription
54200 54210 Hearing aids with a prescription paid for by Medicare
54200 54220 Hearing aids with a prescription reimbursed by Medicare
54200 54230 Hearing aids with a prescription paid for by Medicaid
54200 54240 Hearing aids with a prescription reimbursed by Medicaid
54245 54250 Dental prosthesis without a prescription
54245 54260 Dental prosthesis with a prescription
54260 54270 Dental prosthesis with a prescription paid for by Medicare
54260 54280 Dental prosthesis with a prescription reimbursed by Medicare
54260 54290 Dental prosthesis with a prescription paid for by Medicaid
54260 54300 Dental prosthesis with a prescription reimbursed by Medicaid
60000 60010 Ancillary Services Ancillary services means services that are associated with or incidental to the provision of telecommunications services including but not limited to detailed telecommunications billing directory assistance vertical service and voice mail services.
60000 60020 Conference bridging service Conference bridging service means an ancillary service that links two or more participants of an audio or video conference call and may include the provision of a telephone number. Conference bridging service does not include the telecommunications services used to reach the conference bridge.
60000 60030 Detailed telecommunications billing service Detailed telecommunications billing service means an ancillary service of separately stating information pertaining to individual calls on a customer's billing statement.
60000 60040 Directory assistance Directory assistance means an ancillary service of providing telephone number information and/or address information.
60000 60050 Vertical service Vertical service means an ancillary service that is offered in connection with one or more telecommunications services and that offers advanced calling features that allow customers to identify callers and to manage multiple calls and call connections including conference bridging services.
60000 60060 Voice mail service Voice mail service means an ancillary service that enables the customer to store send or receive recorded messages. Voice mail service does not include any vertical services that the customer may be required to have in order to utilize the voice mail service.
60000 61000 Intrastate Telecommunications Service In-state means a telecommunications service that originates in one United States state or a United States territory or possession and terminates in the same United States state or a United States territory or possession.
60000 61010 Interstate Telecommunications ServiceAppendix E Interstate means a telecommunications service that originates in one United States state or a United States territory or possession and terminates in a different United States state or a United States territory or possession.
60000 61020 International Telecommunications Service International means a telecommunications service that originates or terminates in the United States and terminates or originates outside the United States respectively. United States includes the District of Columbia or a U.S. territory or possession.
61020 61030 International 800 service Toll-free (800) service means a telecommunications service that allows a caller to dial a toll-free number without incurring a charge for the call. The service is typically marketed under the name 800 855 866 877 and 888 toll-free calling and any subsequent numbers designated by the Federal Communications Commission.
61020 61040 International 900 service Toll (900) service means an inbound toll telecommunications service purchased by a subscriber that allows the subscriber's customers to call in to the subscriber's prerecorded announcement or live service. 900 service does not include the charge for collection services provided by the seller of the telecommunications services to the subscriber or service or product sold by the subscriber to the subscriber's customer. The service is typically marketed under the name 900 service and any subsequent numbers designated by the Federal Communications Commission.
61020 61050 International fixed wireless service Fixed wireless service means a telecommunications service that provides radio communication between fixed points.
61020 61060 International mobile wireless service Mobile wireless service means a telecommunications service that is transmitted conveyed or routed regardless of the technology used whereby the origination and/or termination points of the transmission conveyance or routing are not fixed including by way of example only telecommunications services that are provided by a commercial mobile radio service provider.
61020 61070 International paging service Paging service means a telecommunications service that provides transmission of coded radio signals for the purpose of activating specific pagers; such transmissions may include messages and/or sounds.
61020 61080 International prepaid calling service Prepaid calling card means the right to access exclusively telecommunications services which must be paid for in advance and which enables the origination of calls using an access number or authorization code whether manually or electronically dialed and that is sold in predetermined units or dollars of which the number declines with use in a known amount.
61020 61090 International prepaid wireless calling service Prepaid mobile phone means a telecommunications service that provides the right to utilize mobile wireless service as well as other non-telecommunications services including the download of digital products delivered electronically content and ancillary services which must be paid for in advance that is sold in predetermined units of dollars of which the number declines with use in a known amount.
61020 61100 International private communications service Private service means a telecommunications service that entitles the customer to exclusive or priority use of a communications channel or group of channels between or among termination points regardless of the manner in which such channel or channels are connected and includes switching capacity extension lines stations and any other associated services that are provided in connection with the use of such channel or channels.
61020 61110 International value-added non-voice data service Data service means a service that otherwise meets the definition of telecommunications services in which computer processing applications are used to act on the form content code or protocol of the information or data primarily for a purpose other than transmission conveyance or routing.
61020 61120 International residential telecommunications service Residential telecommunications service means a telecommunications service or ancillary services provided to an individual for personal use at a residential address including an individual dwelling unit such as an apartment. In the case of institutions where individuals reside such as schools or nursing homes telecommunications service is considered residential if it is provided to and paid for by an individual resident rather than the institution.
61010 61130 Interstate 800 service Toll-free 800 service means a telecommunications service that allows a caller to dial a toll-free number without incurring a charge for the call. The service is typically marketed under the name 800 855 866 877 and 888 toll-free calling and any subsequent numbers designated by the Federal Communications Commission.
61010 61140 Interstate 900 service Toll 900 service means an inbound toll telecommunications service purchased by a subscriber that allows the subscriber's customers to call in to the subscriber's prerecorded announcement or live service. 900 service does not include the charge for collection services provided by the seller of the telecommunications services to the subscriber or service or product sold by the subscriber to the subscriber's customer. The service is typically marketed under the name 900 service and any subsequent numbers designated by the Federal Communications Commission.
61010 61150 Interstate fixed wireless service Fixed wireless service means a telecommunications service that provides radio communication between fixed points.
61010 61160 Interstate mobile wireless service Mobile wireless service means a telecommunications service that is transmitted conveyed or routed regardless of the technology used whereby the origination and/or termination points of the transmission conveyance or routing are not fixed including by way of example only telecommunications services that are provided by a commercial mobile radio service provider.
61010 61170 Interstate paging service Paging service means a telecommunications service that provides transmission of coded radio signals for the purpose of activating specific pagers; such transmissions may include messages and/or sounds.
61010 61180 Interstate prepaid calling service Prepaid calling card means the right to access exclusively telecommunications services which must be paid for in advance and which enables the origination of calls using an access number or authorization code whether manually or electronically dialed and that is sold in predetermined units or dollars of which the number declines with use in a known amount.
61010 61190 Interstate prepaid wireless calling service Prepaid mobile phone means a telecommunications service that provides the right to utilize mobile wireless service as well as other non-telecommunications services including the download of digital products delivered electronically content and ancillary services which must be paid for in advance that is sold in predetermined units of dollars of which the number declines with use in a known amount.
61010 61200 Interstate private communications service Private service means a telecommunications service that entitles the customer to exclusive or priority use of a communications channel or group of channels between or among termination points regardless of the manner in which such channel or channels are connected and includes switching capacity extension lines stations and any other associated services that are provided in connection with the use of such channel or channels.
61010 61210 Interstate value-added non-voice data service Data service means a service that otherwise meets the definition of telecommunications services in which computer processing applications are used to act on the form content code or protocol of the information or data primarily for a purpose other than transmission conveyance or routing.
61010 61220 Interstate residential telecommunications service Residential telecommunications service means a telecommunications service or ancillary services provided to an individual for personal use at a residential address including an individual dwelling unit such as an apartment. In the case of institutions where individuals reside such as schools or nursing homes telecommunications service is considered residential if it is provided to and paid for by an individual resident rather than the institution.
61000 61230 Intrastate 800 service Toll-free 800 service means a telecommunications service that allows a caller to dial a toll-free number without incurring a charge for the call. The service is typically marketed under the name 800 855 866 877 and 888 toll-free calling and any subsequent numbers designated by the Federal Communications Commission.
61000 61240 Intrastate 900 service Toll 900 service means an inbound toll telecommunications service purchased by a subscriber that allows the subscriber's customers to call in to the subscriber's prerecorded announcement or live service. 900 service does not include the charge for collection services provided by the seller of the telecommunications services to the subscriber or service or product sold by the subscriber to the subscriber's customer. The service is typically marketed under the name 900 service and any subsequent numbers designated by the Federal Communications Commission.
61000 61250 Intrastate fixed wireless service Fixed wireless service means a telecommunications service that provides radio communication between fixed points.
61000 61260 Intrastate mobile wireless service Mobile wireless service means a telecommunications service that is transmitted conveyed or routed regardless of the technology used whereby the origination and/or termination points of the transmission conveyance or routing are not fixed including by way of example only telecommunications services that are provided by a commercial mobile radio service provider.
61000 61270 Intrastate paging service Paging service means a telecommunications service that provides transmission of coded radio signals for the purpose of activating specific pagers; such transmissions may include messages and/or sounds.
61000 61280 Intrastate prepaid calling service Prepaid calling service means the right to access exclusively telecommunications services which must be paid for in advance and which enables the origination of calls using an access number or authorization code whether manually or electronically dialed and that is sold in predetermined units or dollars of which the number declines with use in a known amount.
61000 61290 Intrastate prepaid wireless calling service Prepaid mobile phone means a telecommunications service that provides the right to utilize mobile wireless service as well as other non-telecommunications services including the download of digital products delivered electronically content and ancillary services which must be paid for in advance that is sold in predetermined units of dollars of which the number declines with use in a known amount.
61000 61300 Intrastate private communications service Private communications service means a telecommunications service that entitles the customer to exclusive or priority use of a communications channel or group of channels between or among termination points regardless of the manner in which such channel or channels are connected and includes switching capacity extension lines stations and any other associated services that are provided in connection with the use of such channel or channels.
61000 61310 Intrastate value-added non-voice data service Data service means a service that otherwise meets the definition of telecommunications services in which computer processing applications are used to act on the form content code or protocol of the information or data primarily for a purpose other than transmission conveyance or routing.
61000 61320 Intrastate residential telecommunications service Residential service means a telecommunications service or ancillary services provided to an individual for personal use at a residential address including an individual dwelling unit such as an apartment. In the case of institutions where individuals reside such as schools or nursing homes telecommunications service is considered residential if it is provided to and paid for by an individual resident rather than the institution.
60000 61330 Coin-operated telephone service Coin-operated phone service means a telecommunications service paid for by inserting money into a telephone accepting direct deposits of money to operate.
60000 61340 Pay telephone service Pay phone service means a telecommunications service provided through any pay telephone.
60000 61350 Local Service as defined by state Local service as defined by service/destination state.
40000 40015 Dried or partially dried fruit Dried or partially dried fruit means contains one or more sweeteners and may also contain other additives excluded from the definition of candy.
91000 91080 Admission fees Admission feesPlease select sub-category.
20000 20011 Diapers - Adult Adult Diapers include supplies for ostomy care or bladder dysfunction including:Supplies designed or intended for ostomy care and management including collection devices colostomy irrigation equipment and supplies skin barriers or skin protectors and other supplies especially designed for use of ostomates.Supplies to be used exclusively by a person with bladder dysfunction including catheters collection devices incontinent pads and pants and other items used for the care and management of bladder dysfunction.

90700 Agricultural and Farming Agricultural and Farming
91000 91050 Alarm Monitoring Remote surveillance of a building or structure with the intent to provide security from intrusion or theft usually through the use of an installed alarm system that transmits an alert signal to a monitoring station.
91000 91051 Alarm Repair Service Maintaining or restoring an alarm system to its intended functional state.
90400 90300 Alcoholic Beverages Alcoholic Beverages Sales of alcoholic beverages and spirits are usually subject to ordinary sales tax rates in the usual manner. However there are a few jurisdictions which levy a non-standard (usually higher) sales tax rate on alcoholic beverages.Alcoholic beverages are generally excluded from the definition of food products and therefore do not usually qualify for the corresponding exemption even if such beverages are being used in cooking.IMPORTANT Most states have excise taxes on alcholic beverages. Excise taxes are levied on the seller based upon gross sales. TaxCloud does not provide excise tax amounts or manage excise taxes.NOTICE TaxCloud does not provide tax advice. Please consult with your accountant or tax attorney if you have any questions regarding the use of any TICs in this category.
92030 92032 Altar paraphernalia, sacramental chalices, and similar church supplies and equipment Altar paraphernalia sacramental chalices and similar church supplies and equipment. Note: Sales tax exemptions for religious items have been challenged in the courts and in some cases states have been enjoined from allowing such exemptions. You may wish to consult your tax advisor before using this TIC.
90500 90506 Ammunition Ammunition or cartridge cases primers bullets or propellant powder designed for use in any firearm. The term shall not include (a) any shotgun shot or pellet not designed for use as the single complete projectile load for one shotgun hull or casing nor (b) any unloaded non-metallic shotgun hull or casing not having a primer

20000 70014 Any other enclosure that is marketed to store a firearm. Any other enclosure that is marketed to store a firearm.
92010 92015 Athletic clothing Athletic clothing is clothing worn for sport or exercise. Includes sports bras shorts tops wetsuits socks and leotards.
20040 92005 Athletic shoes Athletic shoes typically have cleats or other specialized soles for a specific athletic purpose. Examples include ski boots bowling shoes and water fins.
20040 92006 Athletic supporters Athletic supporters are undergarments designed to support body parts during physical activity. In this context an athletic supporter is not a person who attends an event to cheer for his or her team.
31000 31069 Audio Works Digital audio works means works that result from the fixation of a series of musical spoken or other sounds including ringtones. Such works are obtained by the purchaser by means other than tangible storage media.
92050 92062 Baby and toddler clothing Baby and toddler clothing apparel and shoes primarily intended for and marketed for children ages 5 and younger. (Baby and toddler clothing size 5T and smaller and baby and toddler shoes size 13T and smaller are presumed to be primarily intended for and marketed for children ages 5 and younger.)
92050 92059 Baby changing tables and changing pads Baby changing tables and changing pads
92050 92052 Baby cribs Baby cribs including cribs that are convertible into baby playpens and baby play yards
92050 92058 Baby exercisers, jumpers, bouncer seats, and swings Baby exercisers jumpers bouncer seats and swings
92050 92053 Baby playpens Baby playpens and play yards that are not also intended to be used as cribs
20000 20131 Baby Receiving Blankets Baby Receiving Blankets (during a sales tax holiday)
92050 92057 Baby safety gates, monitors, cabinet locks and latches, socket covers Baby safety gates baby monitors safety cabinet locks and latches electrical socket covers
92050 92054 Baby strollers Baby strollers*
92050 92060 Baby Wipes Baby wipes
21300 21301 Bait or fishing tackle Bait or fishing tackle (does not include commercial fishing supplies)
20160 20164 Batteries, including rechargeable batteries Batteries including rechargeable batteries listed sizes only: AA-cell AAA-cell C-cell D-cell 6-volt 9-volt

22000 Bed & bath products Bed & bath products include bath wash cloths blankets bed spreads bed linens sheet sets comforter sets bath towels shower curtains bath rugs and mats pillows and pillow cases.
20020 92003 Belt buckles A belt buckle is a buckle or clasp for fastening two ends of straps or belts.Belt buckles must be sold individually (without a belt). If sold with a belt use parent category Clothing Accessories TIC 20020.
40000 90400 Beverages Beverages are liquids sold for human consumption including:Alcoholic Beverages (90300)Water (40060)Flavored Water (90404)Milk (90405)Juice (90406)Fruit Drinks (90407)Coffee (90408)Tea (90409)Soft Drinks Sports Drinks and Sodas (40050)Energy Shots (90411)
20040 92007 Bicycle helmet A bicycle helmet is a device designed to attenuate impacts to the head sustained while riding a bike. A bicycle helmet is not a hat or headdress designed for fashion religious or entertainment purposes (see Clothing accessories TIC: 20020).
21350 21356 Bicycles Bicycles
21350 21354 Binoculars Binoculars
21000 21320 Boating and water activity supplies Boating and water activity supplies
20070 92095 Book - Children retail sale of childrens books including any board book picture book beginning reader book juvenile chapter book middle grade book or audiobook on CD or tape intended for children in the age range that includes 12 years old and younger
90401 40060 Bottled Water Bottled water means water that is placed in a sealed container or package for human consumption or other consumer uses. Bottled water is calorie free and does not contain sweeteners or other additives except that it may contain:antimicrobial agents;fluoride;carbonation;vitamins minerals and electrolytes;oxygen;preservatives; andonly those flavors extracts or essences derived from a spice or fruit.Bottled water includes water that is delivered to the buyer in a reusable container that is not sold with the water.
41000 41045 Bottled water, candy, dietary supplements, soft drinks and items considered prepared food when utensils are made availabe to the customer Bottled water candy dietary supplements soft drinks and items under Reference numbers 41010 41020 41025 41030 and 41040 that would otherwise be exempt from tax but are considered “prepared food” if utensils are made available to the customer at the seller’s location.
52000 52515 Breast pump collection and storage supplies, not for home use, without a prescription Breast pump collection and storage supplies not for home use without a prescription
52000 52516 Breast pump collection and storage supplies, not for home use, with a prescription Breast pump collection and storage supplies not for home use with a prescription
52000 52517 Breast pump collection and storage supplies, not for home use, with a prescription, paid by Medicare Breast pump collection and storage supplies not for home use with a prescription paid by Medicare
52000 52518 Breast pump collection and storage supplies, not for home use, with a prescription, reimbursed by Medicare Breast pump collection and storage supplies not for home use with a prescription reimbursed by Medicare
52000 52519 Breast pump collection and storage supplies, not for home use, with a prescription, paid for by Medicaid Breast pump collection and storage supplies not for home use with a prescription paid for by Medicaid
52000 52520 Breast pump collection and storage supplies, not for home use, with a prescription, reimbursed by Medicaid Breast pump collection and storage supplies not for home use with a prescription reimbursed by Medicaid
52000 52521 Breast pump collection and storage supplies, for home use, without a prescription Breast pump collection and storage supplies for home use without a prescription
52000 52522 Breast pump collection and storage supplies, for home use, with a prescription Breast pump collection and storage supplies for home use with a prescription
52000 52523 Breast pump collection and storage supplies, for home use, with a prescription, paid for by Medicare Breast pump collection and storage supplies for home use with a prescription paid for by Medicare
52000 52524 Breast pump collection and storage supplies, for home use, with a prescription, reimbursed by Medicare Breast pump collection and storage supplies for home use with a prescription reimbursed by Medicare
52000 52525 Breast pump collection and storage supplies, for home use, with a prescription, paid for by Medicaid Breast pump collection and storage supplies for home use with a prescription paid for by Medicaid
52000 52526 Breast pump collection and storage supplies, for home use, with a prescription, reimbursed by Medicaid Breast pump collection and storage supplies for home use with a prescription reimbursed by Medicaid
52000 52537 Breast pump kit, for home use, without a prescription Breast pump kit for home use without a prescription
52000 52538 Breast pump kit, for home use, with a prescription Breast pump kit for home use with a prescription
52000 52539 Breast pump kit, for home use, with a prescription paid for by Medicare Breast pump kit for home use with a prescription paid for by Medicare
52000 52540 Breast pump kit, for home use, with a prescription reimbursed by Medicare Breast pump kit for home use with a prescription reimbursed by Medicare
52000 52541 Breast pump kit, for home use, with a prescription paid for by Medicaid Breast pump kit for home use with a prescription paid for by Medicaid
52000 52542 Breast pump kit, for home use, with a prescription reimbursed by Medicaid Breast pump kit for home use with a prescription reimbursed by Medicaid
52000 52530 Breast pump kit, not for home use, without a prescription Breast pump kit not for home use without a prescription
52000 52531 Breast pump kit, not for home use, with a prescription Breast pump kit not for home use with a prescription
52000 52532 Breast pump kit, not for home use, with a prescription paid for by Medicare Breast pump kit not for home use with a prescription paid for by Medicare
52000 52534 Breast pump kit, not for home use, with a prescription reimbursed by Medicare Breast pump kit not for home use with a prescription reimbursed by Medicare
52000 52535 Breast pump kit, not for home use, with a prescription paid for by Medicaid Breast pump kit not for home use with a prescription paid for by Medicaid
52000 52536 Breast pump kit, not for home use, with a prescription reimbursed by Medicaid Breast pump kit not for home use with a prescription reimbursed by Medicaid
52000 52507 Breast pump, for home use, with a prescription Breast pump for home use with a prescription
52000 52510 Breast pump, for home use, with a prescription paid for by Medicaid Breast pump for home use with a prescription paid for by Medicaid
52000 52511 Breast pump, for home use, with a prescription reimbursed by Medicaid Breast pump for home use with a prescription reimbursed by Medicaid
52000 52509 Breast pump, for home use, with a prescription reimbursed by Medicare Breast pump for home use with a prescription reimbursed by Medicare
52000 52508 Breast pump, for home use, with a prescription paid for by Medicare Breast pump for home use with a prescription paid for by Medicare
52000 52506 Breast pump, for home use, without a prescription Breast pump for home use without a prescription
52000 52501 Breast pump, not for home use, with a prescription Breast pump not for home use with a prescription
52000 52504 Breast pump, not for home use, with a prescription paid by Medicaid Breast pump not for home use with a prescription paid by Medicaid
52000 52505 Breast pump, not for home use, with a prescription reimbursed by Medicaid Breast pump not for home use with a prescription reimbursed by Medicaid
52000 52502 Breast pump, not for home use, with a prescription paid by Medicare Breast pump not for home use with a prescription paid by Medicare
52000 52503 Breast pump, not for home use, with a prescription reimbursed by Medicare Breast pump not for home use with a prescription reimbursed by Medicare
52000 52500 Breast pump, not for home use, without a prescription Breast pump not for home use without a prescription
40000 90410 Breath Mints Breath Mints for some reason are not considered to be Candy (TIC: 40010) in Pennsylvania.
30000 30101 Bulk sales of computers Bulk sales of computers
92500 92506 Bullion Bullion includes investment grade metals.
0 93017 Business Supplies and Equipment Business Supplies and Equipment are products purchased and consumed by a business in the ordinary course of business (not purchased for resale) including:Business forms such as invoices order books etc.Cash Registers or Cash register receipt paperDisplay cases and merchandising equipmentFansSigns circulars show cards and postersVending machines and equipmentBuilding materials supplies and equipment used in construction repair etc. of real estate.Business Supplies do not include items defined more specifically elsewhere including:Computers (30100)School Suppies (20070)School Computers (20110)School Computer Supplies (20100)School Art Supplies (20080)Common Household Remedies (95101)Note: As with all other product or services exempt entities may attract exempt tax treatment for purchases of Business Supplies by providing Exemption Certificate details to substantiate the claim of exempt entity status.
99997 99996 CA eWaste Fees CA eWaste Fees are related to the State of California Electronic Waste Recycling (eWaste) Fee is a fee imposed on the retail sale or lease of certain electronic products that have been identified by the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) as covered electronic devices (CEDs). Products covered by the fee include a variety of video display devices.To remit the fee a retailer of CEDs must register with the Board of Equalization.A retailer may retain 3 percent of the eWaste fee it collects as reimbursement for costs associated with the collection of the fee.As of 2013 these fees are as follows (measured diagonally):CategoriesDescription More than four inches but less than 15 inches$4 At least 15 inches but less than 35 inches$5 35 inches or more$6
21310 21311 Camping lanterns Camping lanterns
21310 21315 Camping Stoves Camping Stoves
21000 21310 Camping supplies Camping supplies
21320 21327 Canoes, kayaks Canoes kayaks
20170 20173 Carbon monoxide detectors Carbon monoxide detectors
92500 92502 Caskets and Vaults Caskets and Vaults include caskets burial vaults markers interred Cremation urns and tombstones for human graves including foundations
20200 20204 Cat litter pans Cat litter pans
20200 20209 Cat litter weighing 25 or fewer pounds Cat litter weighing 25 or fewer pounds
40000 90412 CBD (cannabidiol) Products (Ingestible) Ingestible CBD (cannabidiol) Products such as gummies chocolates cookies brownies or other ingestibles. Ingestible CBD (cannabidiol) Products are also commonly found in oil form as capsules salves or other additives to foods or beverages.Ingestible CBD (cannabidiol) Products are not topical creams ointments or other noningestible products (see Medical and Hygiene: CBD Products TIC 90413).
50000 90413 CBD (cannabidiol) Products (Noningestible) Noningestible CBD (cannabidiol) Products topical creams ointments or other noningestible products.Noningestible CBD (cannabidiol) Products are not oils gummies chocolates cookies brownies or other ingestibles (see Food and Beverages: CBD Products TIC 90412).
21000 21216 Chainsaw accessories Chainsaw accessories include chains chain saw bar and nose lubricants two-cycle motor oil chain sharpeners and files bars wrenches carrying cases and scabbards safety apparel including chaps gloves hearing protectors helmets protective glasses repair parts. Use TIC 20030 for gloves 20303 for hearing protectors 20305 for helmets 20301 for protective glasses.
92050 92056 Child bicycle carriers Bicycle child carrier seats and trailers
20000 20012 Diapers - Children Child Diapers (disposable and reusable) are considered clothing.
92050 92055 Child restraint devices and booster seats Child restraint devices and booster seats for automobiles
96100 96105 Cleaning or disinfecting wipes and sprays, hand sanitizer Cleaning or disinfecting wipes and sprays hand sanitizer
20020 92004 Clothing components Clothing Components are miscellaneous clothing items such as shoe inserts or shoulder pads. Clothing components are not jewelry sunglasses - for those items use Clothing Accessories TIC 20020
20000 92016 Clothing Rental Clothing rental includes the clothes and accessories rented and worn at one time for an event. Common examples are tuxedos or gowns.
90400 90408 Coffee Coffee includes hot coffee cold coffee bottled coffee flavored coffee etc.Coffee does not include Coffee Beans or Ground Coffee sold for home of off-premises preparation or brewing (which would be ordinary Food or Food Ingredients 40030 ).
92500 92508 Coins that are legal tender of United States. Coins whether or not sold at face value and whether in circulation or not that are legal tender of the United States.
92500 92507 Coins Coins for investment (numismatic coins and legal tender). For coins that are legal tender of the US use TIC 92508
0 92500 Coins and Commemoratives Coins and Commemoratives
21310 21316 Collapsible camping chairs Collapsible camping chairs
92500 92504 Collectible Paper Money Collectible Paper Money which is legal tender in the United States but being sold at greater than face value.
92500 92505 Collectible Stamps Collectible Stamps are uncancelled stamps being sold at greater than face value.
20070 92090 College Textbooks College Textbooks College Textbooks purchased by full or part time college students may be exempt from tax. In order for the exemption to apply the textbooks must be required for a course being taken by the student at an institution of higher education and the student may be rquired present a valid student identification card to the seller.
10001 11098 Colorado Retail Delivery Fees a retail sale of tangible personal property by a retailer for delivery by a motor vehicle owned or operated by the retailer or any other person to the purchaser at a location in this state which sale includes at least one item of tangible personal property that is subject to taxation under Article 26 of Title 39
50000 95101 Common Household Remedies Common Household Remedies means basic first-aid and home hygiene products. The following list contains examples and is not intended to be all-inclusive."Common Household Remedies" shall include:Adhesive Tape;Alcohol. alcohol wipes and alcohol swabs containing ethyl or isopropyl alcohol;Allergy relief products;Ammonia inhalants/smelling salts;Analgesics (pain relievers);Antacids;Anti fungal treatment drugs;Antiseptics;Asthma preparations;Astringents except cosmetic;Bandages and bandaging materials;Boric acid ointments;Bronchial inhalers and inhalation solutions;Burn ointments and lotions including sunburn ointments generally sold for use in treatment of sunburn;Calamine lotion;Camphor;Castor and cod liver oil;Cold sore and canker remedies;Cough and cold items such as cough drops and cough syrups;Denture adhesive products;Diarrhea aids and remedies;Digestive aids;Disinfectants for use on humans;Diuretics;Earache products and ear wax removal products;Enema preparations;Epsom salts;External analgesic patch plaster and poultice;Eye bandage patch and occlusor;Eye drops lotions ointments and washes contact lens lubricating and rewetting solutions;Family Planning including:Birth control pillsCondomsContraceptive creams foams or jelliesFemale contraceptive spongesPessariesVaginal suppositoriesFoot products:Bunion padsCallus pads and removersCorn pads or plastersIngrown toenail preparationsAthlete's foot treatmentsGargles intended for medical use;Gauze;Glucose for treatment or diagnosis of diabetes;Glycerin products Intended for medical use;Hay fever aid products;Headache relief aid products;Hot or cold disposable packs for medical purposes;Hydrogen peroxide;Hypodermic needles and syringes;Insect bite and sting preparations;Insulin;Ipecac;Itch and rash relievers (including feminine anti-itch creams);Laxatives and cathartics;Lice treatments (pediculicides);Liniments;Lip balms ices and salves;Lithotripters;Lotions medicated;Menstrual cramp relievers;Mercurochrome;Milk of Magnesia;Mineral oil;Minoxidil for hair regrowth;Motion sickness remedies;Nasal drops and sprays;Nicotine replacement therapies (excludes e-cigarettes) including nicotine patches gums and lozenges;Ointments medicated;Pain relievers oral or topical;Petroleum jelly and gauze;Poison ivy and oak relief preparations;Rectal preparations (hemorrhoid and rash);Sinus relievers;Sitz bath solutions;Skin medications;Sleep aids (inducers);Styptic pencils;Suppositories except contraceptives;Teething lotions and powders;Throat lozenges;Toothache relievers;Wart removers;Witch hazel;Worming treatments (anthelmintics) for human use;Common Household Remedies shall not include:AntiperspirantsCleaning solutionsContact lens cleaning solutions and disinfectants;Cosmetics and Toilet Articles;Duct Tape;Feminine Hygiene Products (See: TIC 92019 in Medical : Drugs/Hygiene : Human use : Grooming/Hygiene);Mouthwash;Over-the-counter drugs;Shampoo;Soaps;Toothpaste;Suntan lotions and sunscreens;Velcro;

96100 Common Household Supplies Disposable household paper products should use 96001 toilet tissue should use 96102
30100 93011 Computer Peripheral Computer peripherals include any input display or means of control connected directly to a computer including monitor(s) keyboard mouse scanner microphone speaker(s) etc.Computer peripherals do not include software games game peripherals (TIC: 93012) printers (TIC: 93015) printer supplies (TIC: 93016) personal digital assistants (PDAs; TIC: 93013) etc.
91000 91011 Computer Repair Restoring computer equipment that remains tangible personal property to its original functional state.
90101 90104 Connecticut flag The flag of the state of Connecticut.
50000 54125 Contact lenses Contact lenses
20000 70013 Containers or other forms of storage that are designed to display the firearm Containers or other forms of storage that are designed to display the firearm
99997 99994 Core Charges Core charges
50000 54065 Corrective eyeglasses Corrective eyeglasses
92010 92014 Costumes Costumes are clothing worn to present the wearer as someone or something other than him/herself. Excludes watches umbrellas and tie clips.
10000 10011 Credit card processing or transaction fee Credit card processing or transaction fee
31000 91001 Credit Reports An issued report of digital information used to establish the creditworthiness of an individual or entity.
92500 92501 Cremation Urns Cremation Urns not interred
91080 91083 Cultural Admission fees Cultural Admission Fees are charges for admission to live artistic or theatrical productions symphonic or orchestral concerts ballet or opera presented by one or more cultural groups.Cultural Admission Fees are not charges for admission to dance clubs erotic performance establishments gambling establishments bingo parlors rodeos carnivals or sporting events.
91061 91062 Customer Operated Customer Operated Rental Equipment is tangible personal property that is rented leased licensed to customers for their own use and operation.
41000 41025 Deli Meats & Seafood Deli Meats & Seafood products are a variation of prepared food with the following qualities:Sold without eating utensils provided by the seller and;Sold in an unheated (but pre-cooked) state and;Sold by weight or volume as a single item.Example: A container of cooked shrimp.
10001 11015 Delivery charges involving or related to the sale of electricity, natural gas, or artificial gas by a utility Delivery charges involving or related to the sale of electricity natural gas or artificial gas by a utility as “utility” is defined by the state.
50000 54245 Dental prosthesis Dental prosthesis
92050 92061 Diaper Cream Diaper Cream
31000 31035 Audio-Visual Works Digital audio-visual works means a series of related images that when shown in succession impart an impression of motion together with accompanying sounds if any. Such works are obtained by the purchaser by means other than tangible storage media.
31000 31099 Digital Books Downloaded digital books with rights for permanent use including recreational educational and religious books.Note: Does NOT include audio books(see Audio works TIC: 31070).Does not include any digital goods delivered via tangible means (such as installed or delivered by a technician or delivered via common carrier as CDs or DVDs).
31000 93102 Digital Games Digital Games are games for computers or mobile devices.
31099 32000 Digital textbooks Digital textbooks
11099 11100 Direct-mail related Direct mail means printed material delivered or distributed by United States mail or other delivery service to a mass audience or to addressees on a mailing list provided by the purchaser or at the direction of the purchaser when the cost of the items is not billed directly to the recipients. Direct mail includes tangible personal property supplied directly or indirectly by the purchaser to the direct mail seller for inclusion in the package containing the printed material. Direct mail does not include multiple items of printed material delivered to a single address.A member state may treat delivery charges for direct mail differently than it treats delivery charges for other personal property or services. A member state may exclude all delivery charges from the sales price for direct mail or choose to exclude from the sales price of direct mail one or more of the following components and may amend the definition of delivery charges accordingly:Handling crating packing preparation for mailing or delivery and similar charges (TIC: 11020);Transportation shipping and similar charges (TIC: 11021); orPostage (TIC: 11022).
50000 92025 Disability-Related Supplies Disability-Related Supplies include:Arm slingsAutomobile accessories (Disability related)Automobile wheelchair liftsBath and Shower Chairs/stools/benchesBed boardsBed drain bagsBed pansBed trapeze barsBlood glucose monitors used to treat diabetes (therapeutic devices)Braille teaching textsBreathing units intermittent positive pressureCanesCardiac emergency kitColostomy appliancesCommodes chair bedsideCommode seats elevated for use by incapacitated personsCrutchesCrutch padsDefibrillatorsDialysis machinesDiathermy machinesDrug infusion devicesFeeding pumpsFluidic breathing assistorFoot pads insoles all typesHandrails and grab barsHeating padsHospital beds having side rails electric and non electric with attachmentsIce bagsInhalation therapy equipment and equipment used to provide emergency breathing assistanceLamps ultraviolet and infraredLifters patientLymphedema pumpsMattresses alternating positive pressureMattresses and covers for hospital bedsMuscle stimulator electronic for physical therapyNasal cannulaOrthopedic splintsOxygen and oxygen equipment when used for medical treatmentPads moist heat pad alternating positive pressure pad flotation pad lambs wool padParaffin bath units standard or portablePhysical therapy equipment when designed exclusively for use in correcting or alleviating a physical incapacityPostural drainage boardsPostural support chairsPump diaphragm pressure vacuumRecliner lift chairs and lift cushionsSitz bathStair gliders for persons having a physical disability installed in the purchaser’s home and pursuant to a physician’s prescriptionTourniquetsTraction units including bed stand anklet extension pelvic or cervical units head holder fracture unit with trapeze bar set weights weight bags pelvic lacing belt and over door traction equipmentWalking bars and walkersWheelchairs manual and motorized scooters and batteriesWheelchair cushions
96100 96104 Dish soap and detergents, including powder, liquid, or pod detergents or rinse agents that can be used in dishwashers Dish soap and detergents including powder liquid or pod detergents or rinse agents that can be used in dishwashers
96100 96101 Disposable Household Paper Products Disposable household paper products not defined elsewhere including facial tissues paper towels napkins paper plates and paper cups purchased for household use. Toilet tissue should be classified as 96102
50000 92024 Disposable Medical Supplies Disposable Medical Supplies include:Adhesives used for medical treatmentAlcohol rubbing swabs and wipesBandages dressings gauze and cottonBlood pack unitsCorn pads and plasters for the removal of cornsCotton applicators cotton rolls cotton balls and cotton swabsDental supplies used in dental treatment including x ray film cotton impression and materialsDentist drills disposableDenture products including denture cleaners and adhesivesDrapes paperExamining table paperEye padsFirst aid kitsGauzeGloves surgical disposableHygienic needs douche powder vaginal preparationslleostomy bagsIncontinence products including incontinence pantsInfusion pumpsLancetsLubricating jellyMedicine cups disposableNasal StripsNeedles and syringes disposableOrthodontic bracketsPrefilled syringes for injectionRectal preparationsSheets disposableSpecimen containers disposableSurgical instruments and supplies single use disposableSurgical masks disposableSuturesTest strips used in treatment of diabetesThermal pads disposableThermometer covers disposableTongue depressor disposableTubing intravenousUrine drain bag
51002 92026 Disposable Veterinary Supplies Disposable Veterinary Supplies include:Animal feeding tubes (single use)Blood administration kits used during surgery or medical procedures on an animal.Cast materials used to treat petsDisposable one-time medical suppliesFlea collars flea powder flea and tick soap and tick spraysGauze or bandages used to treat pet woundsMedicines and medical supplies
91000 91030 Donations Money or other consideration voluntarily given to an entity for charitable reasons. Consideration is not contingent upon receiving anything of value by the donor.
93102 93103 Downloadable Games Downloadable games are games delivered via download with rights for permanent or temporary use. Downloadable games does not include subscriptions to online games or any games delivered via tangible means (such as delivered via common carriers such as CDs or DVDs).
21000 21203 Drain opening tools Drain opening tools
50000 51000 Drugs/Pharmaceuticals A drug or pharmaceutical means a compound substance or preparation and any component of a compound substance or preparation other than food and food ingredients or alcoholic beverages:Recognized in the official United State Pharmacopoeia official Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States or official National Formulary and supplement to any of them; orIntended for use in the diagnosis cure mitigation treatment or prevention of disease; orIntended to affect the structure or any function of the body.Prescription means an order drug formula or recipe issued in any form of oral written electronic or other means of transmission by a duly licensed practitioner authorized by the laws of the member state.Over-the-counter drug means a drug that contains a label that identifies the product as a drug as required by 21 C.F.R. Section 201.66 (Food and Drug Administration Department of Health and Human Services Labeling Requirements for Over-the-Counter Drugs). A member state may exclude grooming and hygiene products from this definition. The over-the-counter drug label includes:Drug Facts panel; orA statement of the active ingredient(s) with a list of those ingredients contained in the compound substance or preparation.
20200 20202 Dry dog or cat food weighing 50 or fewer pounds Dry dog or cat food weighing 50 or fewer pounds
21000 21214 Duffle bags or tote bags Duffle bags or tote bags
50000 52000 Durable medical equipment Durable medical equipmentDurable medical equipment means equipment including repair and replacement parts for same but does not include mobility enhancing equipment which:Can withstand repeated use; andIs primarily and customarily used to serve a medical purpose; andGenerally is not useful to a person in the absence of illness or injury; andIs not worn in or on the body.A member state may limit its exemption to durable medical equipment:By requiring a prescription;Based on Medicare or Medicaid payments or reimbursement; orFor home use.A member state may limit the exemption using any combination of the above but in no case shall an exemption certificate be required.Repair and replacement parts as used in this definition include all components or attachments used in conjunction with the durable medical equipment. A member state may exclude from repair and replacement parts items that are for single patient use only.A member state may exclude from the product definition of durable medical equipment any of the following for purposes enacting a product-based exemption:Oxygen delivery equipment not worn in or on the body including repair and replacement parts;Kidney dialysis equipment not worn in or on the body including repair and replacement parts; orEnteral feeding systems not worn in or on the body including repair and replacement parts.A member state choosing to enact a product-based exemption for oxygen delivery equipment kidney dialysis equipment or enteral feeding systems if those items are not worn in or on the body must also enact a product-based exemption for oxygen delivery equipment kidney dialysis equipment or enteral feeding systems if those are worn in or on the body.A member state may limit the product-based exemption for oxygen delivery equipment kidney dialysis equipment or enteral feeding systems using any combination of the following:By requiring a prescription;Based on Medicare or Medicaid payments or reimbursement; orFor home use.
90600 90601 Dyed diesel fuel (off-road use) Dyed diesel fuel (off-road use)
21350 21357 Electric scooters weighing less than 75 pounds Electric scooters weighing less than 75 pounds
21000 21212 Electrical voltage and testing equipment Electrical voltage and testing equipment
90400 90415 Electrolyte or rehydration beverage (contains milk or milk product ingredients) Electrolyte or rehydration beverage that is sold in liquid form but contains milk or milk product ingredients
90400 90414 Electrolyte or rehydration beverage (DOES NOT contain milk or milk products ingredients) Electrolyte or rehydration beverage that is sold in liquid form but does not contain milk or milk product ingredients
40000 90417 Electrolyte or rehydration powder (contains milk product ingredients) Electrolyte or rehydration powder (non-liquid form) that contains milk product ingredients
40000 90416 Electrolyte or rehydration powder (DOES NOT contain milk product ingredients) Electrolyte or rehydration powder (non-liquid form) that DOES NOT contain milk product ingredients
90401 90403 Emergency Water Emergency Water means nonflavored mineral sparkling filtered or tap water sold in containers or vessels of one gallon or larger.
10000 10080 Employee discounts that are reimbursed by a third party on sales of motor vehicles. Employee discounts that are reimbursed by a third party on sales of motor vehicles.
90400 90411 Energy Shots Energy Shots include vitamin or other extract infused liquids sold in containers no larger than 4 ounces.
20060 21004 Energy Star air conditioner Energy Star air conditioner
20060 21017 Energy Star boiler Energy Star boiler
20060 21005 Energy Star ceiling fan Energy Star ceiling fan
20060 21003 Energy Star clothes dryer Energy Star clothes dryer
20060 21002 Energy Star clothes washer Energy Star clothes washer
20060 21013 Energy Star conventional ovens, ranges & stoves Energy Star conventional ovens ranges & stoves
20060 21007 Energy Star dehumidifier Energy Star dehumidifier
20060 21001 Energy Star dishwasher Energy Star dishwasher
20060 21010 Energy Star freezer Energy Star freezer
20060 21015 Energy Star furnaces Energy Star furnaces
20060 21016 Energy Star heat pump Energy Star heat pump
20060 21006 Energy Star light bulb Energy Star light bulb
20060 21008 Energy Star programmable thermostat Energy Star programmable thermostat
20060 21009 Energy Star refrigerator Energy Star refrigerator
20060 21014 Energy Star trash compactors Energy Star trash compactors
20060 21011 Energy Star water heater - not solar Energy Star water heater - not solar

21012 Energy Star water heater - solar Energy Star water heater - solar
94000 94003 Engineered Materials Construction materials made of composites or blended materials shaped or molded similar to conventional construction materials. Engineered materials shall include Gypsum-bonded composite materials (fiber-reinforced gypsum);Cement-bonded composite materials;Ceramic-bonded composite material;Wood thermoplastic composite materials including plastic lumber and decking;Hardie fiber cement siding.
50000 52365 Enteral feeding systems Enteral feeding systems
30100 93018 Optional Equipment Protection Plan An Optional Equipment Protection Plan involves optional charges (which must be seperately stated on an invoice) for tangible personal property maintenance repair or warranty contracts.This Optional Equipment Protection Plan definition does not apply to tangible personal property purchases made by the contractor in performance of equipment repair or replacement under the contract.Optional Equipment Protection Plans are also not Computer Software Maintenace Contracts (TICS: 30200 through 30430).Note: As with all other product or services exempt entities may attract exempt tax treatment for purchases of Optional Equipment Protection Plans by providing Exemption Certificate details to substantiate the claim of exempt entity status.
91000 91061 Equipment Rentals Rentals are tangible personal property sold rented leased or licensed to customersPlease select sub-category
20040 90501 Excercise Clothing Excercise Clothing includes:Baseball caps and baseball tee shirtsGym suits and Jogging outfitsWarm up suits cloth sweat suitsBowling shirtsExcercise Clothing does not include items defined more specifically elsewhere including:Snow Suits (92008)Hunting Clothing including camouflage and blaze orange (92021)Athletic Shoes (92005)Athletic Supporters (92006)School Art Supplies (20080)Bicycle Helmets (92007)Other Helmets (92020)
31069 93105 Exempt Entity Works Exempt Entity productions of audio-visual works (including magnetic optical or other machine-readable media) literature pamphlets periodicals tracts and books published and sold by entities exempt from federal tax under IRC 501(c)(3) where no part of the net earnings from such sales inures to the benefit of a private individual or shareholder.
11099 90021 F.O.B. Destination Shipping Title passes at Destination
11099 90020 F.O.B. Origin Shipping Title passes at Origin
20150 20190 Disaster preparedness fastening supply Disaster preparedness Fastening supplies include:Bungee cordsRopeRatchet strapsDuct tapeBoat anchorFender anchor chain dock line or similar deviceTarpaulins and other flexible waterproof sheetingGround anchor or tie down kits
51170 92019 Feminine Hygiene Products Feminine Hygiene Products include sanitary napkins tampons or similar items used for feminine hygiene.
20170 20172 Fire extinguishers Fire extinguishers
20000 70010 Firearm safety device Firearm safety device
20000 70011 Firearm storage device except items 70012, 70013 and 70014 Firearm storage device except items 70012 70013 and 70014
90500 90505 Firearms Any weapon (including a starter gun) which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive;
20040 90500 Firearms and Hunting Firearms and Hunting Supplies includes items used for hunting. The following list contains examples and is not intended to be all-inclusive.

Firearms and Hunting Supplies shall include:


Gunpowder loaded into the muzzle of a firearm;

Shotgun Shells;



Arrow Rests;

Belts designed for hunting;

Bows and Bow Accessories;

Bow Sights;

Bow String and String Accessories;

Bow Fishing Accessories;

Choke Tubes;

Cleaning and Refinishing Products;



Firearm Parts;

Hard or Soft Cases designed specifically for firearms and archery equipment;

Hearing Protection;







Shooting bags and pouches;

Shooting Rest;

Shooting tripod bipod or monopod;



Slings designed for hunting;

String Wax;



Trap or Target Throwers;

Firearms and Hunting Supplies shall not include:

Animals used for hunting;

All purpose cases or bags;

Apparel such as safety gear camouflage clothing jackets hats gloves and thermal underwear;

Animal Feed;

All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs);




Boats and Boating Equipment;



Camera tripod;

Chairs and Seating;


Fishing Equipment;

Game/Food Processing Equipment;

Game Calls;

Gun Cabinets;

Game Calls;

Gun Racks;

Gun Safes;

Hunting Clothing;



Rain Gear;

Scent Elimination and Attractants;



Taxidermy Supplies;

Tree stands;


20170 20174 First aid kits First aid kits
21300 21304 Fishing reels Fishing reels sold individually
21300 21305 Fishing rod and reel set Fishing rod and reel sold as a set
21300 21303 Fishing rods Fishing rods sold individually
21000 21300 Fishing supplies Fishing supplies
21310 21312 Flashlights Flashlights
90401 90404 Flavored Water Flavored Water means bottled water infused or flavored with sugars juices vitamins extracts etc.
90101 90105 Florida flag The flag of the state of Florida.
20150 20180 Disaster preparedness food-related supply Food-related disaster preparedness supplies include:Artificial iceWater storage containerManual can openerBottled water
51000 51002 Animal/Veterinary use Drugs or Pharmaceuticals for Animal/Veterinary use
52365 52368 for Commercial/Industrial/Civic use for Commercial/Industrial/Civic use
52000 52005 for Commercial/Industrial/Civic use for Commercial/Industrial/Civic use
52125 52128 for Commercial/Industrial/Civic use for Commercial/Industrial/Civic use
52245 52248 for Commercial/Industrial/Civic use for Commercial/Industrial/Civic use
52365 52425 for home use for home use
52245 52305 for home use for home use
52000 52065 for home use for home use
52125 52185 for home use for home use
51000 51001 Human use Drugs or Pharmaceuticals for Human use
92010 92011 Formal wear Formal wear is clothing suitable for events such as a wedding garden party or dinner. This does not include jewelry or underwear.
51002 51265 Free Samples Free Samples
51001 51245 Free Samples Free Samples
90400 90407 Fruit Drink Fruit Drink is a fruit flavored drink with less than 25% natural fruit juice.

90600 Fuel Fuel
30100 93012 Gaming Peripherals Gaming peripherals include any input display or means of control connected directly to a computer and intended solely for gaming purposes including joysticks steering wheels pedals etc.Gaming peripherals do not include software or computer peripherals (such as keyboard mouse or monitor; TIC: 93011).
20160 20165 Gas or diesel fuel tanks Gas or diesel fuel tanks
21000 21215 Gas-powered chainsaws Gas-powered chainsaws
91000 91090 Service Labor for Repairs of Tangible Personal Property this TIC should be used for the labor portion of repairs of tangible personal property not specifically identified in other categories. Where both parts and labor are provided as part of a single repair the labor charges should be separately itemized or improper taxation may result.

Repairs that should be classified in specific categories include TIC 91011 for computer repairs TIC 91051 for alarm service repairs TICs in the 30200-30430 range for software maintenance contracts and TICs in the 50000 range for repairs of medical-related property. Extended warranties and optional equipment protection plans should be classified under TIC 93018.
94000 94001 General Materials General materials shall not include lumber or engineered materials.
21000 21350 General outdoor equipment and supplies General outdoor supplies
20150 20160 Disaster preparedness general supply General disaster preparedness supplies include:Batteries (excluding automobile and marine batteries): AAA AA C D 6 volt or 9 voltCellular telephone batteries and chargersSatellite phonesSelf-powered light sourcesPortable self-powered radios two-way radios weather-band radios and NOAA weather radiosGas or diesel fuel containersNon-electric food storage coolersStorm shutter devices If you are selling portable generators and power cords use TIC 20161.
40000 40089 Gift basket with food and non-food items, food is 90% or more Gift basket with food and non-food items food is 90% or more of the total purchase price or sales price
40000 40090 Gift basket with food and non-food items, food is more than 50% but less than 90% Gift basket with food and non-food items food is more than 50% but less than 90% of the total purchase price or sales price
40000 40083 Gift basket with food, candy, and non-food items, food is less than 50%, candy is less than 90%, non-food items are greater than 10% but less than 50% Gift basket with food candy and non-food items where (1) food is less than 50% (2) candy is less than 90% and (3) non-food items are greater than 10% but less than 50% of the total purchase price or sales price
40000 40084 Gift basket with food, candy, and non-food items, food is less than 50%, candy is between 1-99%, non-food items are 10% or less Gift basket with food candy and non-food items where (1) food is less than 50% (2) candy is between 1-99% and (3) non-food items are 10% or less of the total purchase price or sales price
40000 40085 Gift basket with food, candy, and non-food items, food is greater than 75%, candy is less than 25%, non-food items are 10% or less Gift basket with food candy and non-food items where(1) food is greater than 75% (2) candy is less than 25% and (3) non-food items are 10% or less of the total purchase price or sales price
40000 40086 Gift basket with food, candy, and non-food items, food is 90% or more, candy is less than 10%, non-food items are less than 10% Gift basket with food candy and non-food items where (1) food is 90% or more (2) candy is less than 10% and (3) non-food items are less than 10% of the total purchase price or sales price
40000 40080 Gift basket with only food, or only food and candy, candy is 50% or less but greater than 10% Gift basket with only food or only food and candy candy is 50% or less but greater than 10% of the total purchase price or sales price
40000 40081 Gift basket with only food, or only food and candy, candy is 10% or less Gift basket that contains only food and taxable candy candy is 10% or less of the total purchase price or sales price
40000 40082 Gift basket with only food, or only food and candy, candy is more than 50% Gift basket that contains only food and taxable candy candy is more than 50% of the total purchase price or sales price
40000 40087 Gift basket with popcorn and candy, popcorn is 50% or more but less than 90% Gift basket with popcorn or candy popcorn is 50% or more but less than 90% of the total purchase price or sales price

40088 Gift basket with popcorn or candy, candy is 50% or more Gift basket with popcorn or candy candy is 50% or more of the total purchase price or sales price
10000 10005 Gift card Gift certificates are treated like cash. No sales tax is collected at the time the certificate is purchased. When a customer presents a gift certificate the customer receives credit against the total cost of the purchase and pays the difference if any. The sales tax applies to the total amount of the purchase not the amount due after the certificate is deducted.
91000 91110 Gift wrapping services, optional Gift wrapping services that are optional to the purchaser of the tangible personal property
20000 70012 Glass-faced cabinets that are designed to display the firearm. Glass-faced cabinets that are designed to display the firearm.
20040 20041 Goggles, snorkels, swim masks Goggles snorkels swim masks
91000 91041 Graphic Design Review Service The analysis of an electronic graphic design file to ensure that the file meets the technical requirements for printing.
91000 91040 Graphic Design Service The creation of an electronic file or template with text images design or artwork primarily used to create printed copies of the original file.
20070 20091 Graphing calculators Graphing calculators
20190 20192 Ground anchor systems Ground anchor systems
90500 90502 Gun Safe A locking container or other enclosure equipped with a padlock key lock combination lock or other locking device that is designed and intended for the secure storage of one or more firearms
90500 90503 Gun Safety Devices Permanent Any integral device to be equipped or installed on a firearm that permits the user to program the firearm to operate only for specified persons designated by the user through computerized locking devices or other means integral to and permanently part of the firearm
90500 90504 Gun Safety Devices Temporary Any integral device to be equipped or installed on a firearm that permits the user to program the firearm to operate only for specified persons designated by the user through computerized locking devices or other means integral to and temporarily part of the firearm
20200 20206 Hamster or rabbit substrate Hamster or rabbit substrate
51170 51173 Hand soap, bar soap, and body wash Hand soap bar soap and body wash
21000 21208 Hand tools Hand tools
20020 92001 Handbags Handbags and purses are personal carrying bags. Handbags are not coin purses diaper bags back packs belt bags fanny packs or wallets - for these items use parent category Clothing Accessories TIC 20020.
21000 21202 Handheld pipe cutters Handheld pipe cutters
20020 92002 Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefs are typically a hemmed square of thin favric intended for personal hygene.Handkerchiefs are not bandanas scarves or sweatbands - for these items use parent category Clothing Accessories TIC 20020.
20030 20305 Hard hats and other head protection Hard hats and other head protection
91070 91072 Health Club Health Club Membership Fees include initiation fees membership fees or dues for access to or use of the property or facilities of a health and fitness athletic sporting organization.
50000 54185 Hearing aids Hearing aids
20030 20303 Hearing protection items Hearing protection items
91000 91010 Help Desk Support Troubleshooting and error resolution support via phone billed at a flat rate regardless of the amount of support actually used.
20030 20306 High-visibility safety vests High-visibility safety vests

90701 Honey bees and their input and byproducts Honey bees and their inputs and byproduccts. Honeybee byproducts means the various substances and materials produced by honeybees during their life cycle and hive activities including but not limited to propolis royal jelly beeswax honeycombs bee venom and honeybee pollen. "Honeybee byproducts" do not include honey.
20040 92021 Hunting Clothing Hunting Clothing including camouflage and blaze orange jackets pants jumpsuits outfits etc.
20160 20168 Hurricane Shutters Hurricane Shutters
21350 21353 Hydration packs Hydration packs
20050 92009 Imitation fur clothing Imitation fur clothing is clothing fabricated with material made of synthetic fibers to resemble animal fur. Imitation fur clothing does not include pillows rugs or toupees.
21000 21100 Impact-Resistant Doors, Garage Doors, and Windows Impact resistant doors impact resistant garage doors impact resistant windows labeled as such or having an impact-resistant rating for commercial or residential use
99997 99999 In-Store Sales This special In-store sales category is for bulk import of transactions where the detail is not known by TaxCloud and the retailer will have all necessary information to substantiate the tax amounts collected. This TIC should only be used if it is not possible to know the details of each purchase. The amount can be a combination of taxable and non-taxable sales.
10000 11014 Inbound freight Inbound freight is the charge by the seller to its customer for the cost of transportation shipping postage and similar charges that the seller pays to its supplier to receive the property.
21330 21331 Individual residential pool & spa replacement parts, nets, filters, lights, covers Individual residential pool & spa replacement parts nets filters lights covers
21000 21200 Industry textbooks and code books Industry textbooks and code books

92050 Infant and Child Products and Supplies Infant and Toddler Products and Supplies. For specific infant and child products and supplies use TICs 92051 through 92062.
92050 92051 Infant Supplies BibsReceiving BlanketsRubber Pants(?)FormulaDiaper Pins
20000 92023 Infant Supplies this tic is deprecated the new tic is 92051 for Infant SuppliesBibsReceiving BlanketsRubber Pants(?)FormulaDiaper CreamDiaper PinsWipes
21320 21321 Inflatable pool tubes, pool floats; inflatable chairs, pool toys Inflatable pool tubes pool floats; inflatable chairs pool toys
30070 93202 Infrastructure as a Service Infrastructure as a Service means remote single-tenant or multi-tenant server computer instance(s) where the customer remotely manages such remote resource.
21350 21351 Insect repellant Insect repellant
11099 90041 Installation Services (deprecated) Installation Services (deprecated) - This is a non-standard taxability code.Please use TIC 10040 for installation fees related to installation or configuration of tangible personal property.
51001 51055 Insulin Insulin
51002 51075 Insulin Insulin
20020 92100 Jewelry Real or immitation
90400 90406 Juice Juice must have at least 25% natural fruit juice.
50000 52245 Kidney dialysis equipment Kidney dialysis equipment
21320 21325 Kneeboards, wakeboards, water skis, and inflatable tubes or floats capable of being towed Kneeboards wakeboards water skis and inflatable tubes or floats capable of being towed
91120 91121 Lab Testing Services Lab Testing Services
21000 21205 Ladders Ladders
96100 96103 Laundry detergent and supplies: powder, liquid, or pod detergent; fabric softener; dryer sheets; stain removers; bleach Laundry detergent and supplies: powder liquid or pod detergent; fabric softener; dryer sheets; stain removers; bleach
20200 20207 Leashes, collars, and muzzles for pets Leashes collars and muzzles for pets
21000 21211 LED flashlights LED flashlights
20040 20042 Life jackets Life jackets
94000 94002 Lumber Wood that is cut shaped and treated for construction or fabrication. After purchase lumber is usually processed further to take the form desired by the user and typically becomes part of a final product. Intended uses include but are not limited to buildings structures and furniture. Lumber shall include:Stud;Plank;Beam;Pole;Post.
91000 91021 Mandatory Gratuity (charge does not exceed 20% of sales price) A mandatory gratuity is an additional amount of consideration that does not exceed 20% of the sales price is imposed on the customer by the seller and is required to be paid over to the seller's employee or employees (usually a waiter bartender bellhop valet etc.). Use TIC 91022 for mandatory gratuities that exceed 20% of the sales price.
91000 91022 Mandatory Gratuity (charge exceeds 20% of sales price) A mandatory gratuity is an additional amount of consideration that exceeds 20% of the sales price is imposed on the customer by the seller and the seller is required to pay the entire gratuity over to the seller's employee or employees (usually a waiter bartender bellhop valet etc.). Use TIC 91021 for mandatory gratuities that do not exceed 20% of the sales price.
20180 20181 Manual can opener Manual can opener
10000 10090 All coupons issued by a manufacturer, supplier, or distributor of a product(s) that entitle the purchaser to a reduction in sales price and allowed by the seller who is reimbursed by the manufacturer, supplier or distributor. All coupons issued by a manufacturer supplier or distributor of a product(s) that entitle the purchaser to a reduction in sales price and allowed by the seller who is reimbursed by the manufacturer supplier or distributor.
10000 10085 Manufacturer rebates on motor vehicles. Manufacturer rebates on motor vehicles.
10000 99993 Marketplace Facilitator Fees Fees charged by marketplace facilitators to marketplace seller for facilitating sales on the facilitator's platform
90101 90106 Maryland flag The flag of the state of Maryland.
90101 90107 Massachusetts flag The flag of the state of Massachusetts.
40000 90010 Meal Replacement Meal replacements are dietary supplements that do not meet the definition of dietary supplements (see Food-Related TIC: 40020) as established by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).Meal replacements may come in many forms including tablet capsule powder softgel gelcap or liquid.Meal replacements are not required to be labeled as dietary supplements identifiable by the Supplemental Facts box found on the label and as required pursuant to 21 C.F.R. Section 101.36 (Food and Drug Administration Department of Health and Human Services Nutrition Labeling Requirements and Guidelines of dietary supplements).
50000 90200 Medical Records The provision of medical records to an individual hospital or healthcare provider via hardcopy.

91120 Medical Services Medical Services
91000 91070 Membership fees Membership Fees are charges for initiation fees membership fees or dues for access to or use of the property or facilities of a health and fitness athletic sporting or shopping club or organization.Membership Fees are not Admission Fees or Tuition.
51170 51177 Menstrual discharge collection devices that are clothing All other items that meet the definition of “clothing” except period underwear under TIC 51176 but are marketed specifically for use as menstrual discharge collection devices for the human menstrual cycle such as period swimwear period running shorts and period sleep shorts.
51170 51175 Menstrual Discharge Collection Devices, also known as Feminine Hygiene Products Menstrual Discharge Collection Devices also know as Feminine Hygiene Products include sanitary napkins tampons or similar items used for feminine hygiene. (formerly TIC 92019). Use TIC 51176 for period underwear use TIC 51177 for clothing items that are marketed as menstrual discharge collection devices.
91061 91060 Merchant Operated Merchant Operated Rental Equipment is tangible personal property that is rented leased licensed to customers and staffed or operated by the company that is providing the rental.
90400 90405 Milk Milk and Milk products includes alternative sources of milk including goats milk soy milk almond milk etc.
10001 11097 Minnesota Retail Delivery Fee A retail delivery fee (RDF) of 50 cents will be imposed on transaction of $100 or more of tangible personal property subject to tax and clothing that are delivered in Minnesota. Certain exemptions and exclusions apply for sales to exempt purchasers along with sales of food prepared food food and beverage establishments drugs medical devices (including accessories and supplies and specific baby products. The retailer may (but is not required to) collect the fee from the purchaser. If separately stated on the invoice bill of sale or similar document given to the purchaser the fee is excluded from the sales price for purposes of sales and use tax.
50000 53000 Mobility enhancing equipment Mobility enhancing equipment means equipment including repair and replacement parts to same but does not include durable medical equipment that:Is primarily and customarily used to provide or increase the ability to move from one place to another and which is appropriate for use either in a home or a motor vehicle;Is not generally used by persons with normal mobility; andDoes not include any motor vehicle or equipment on a motor vehicle normally provided by a motor vehicle manufacturer.
90100 90119 National flags Flags that represent countries or nations.
90101 90108 New Jersey flag The flag of the state of New Jersey.
90101 90109 New York flag The flag of the state of New York.
31000 93110 News and Information News and information includes newspapers and periodicals delivered electronically.
93110 93111 Newspapers Newspapers are published works that appear as new editions on a daily (or faster) schedule.Does not include video audio podcasts electronic books periodicals or any other electronic goods.
99997 99992 No Tax Calculation - File Returns Only TaxCloud will not recalculate tax on transactions when this TIC is used. The seller will utilize a separate tax calculation engine and TaxCloud will file only file returns.
20160 20166 Nonelectric food storage coolers Nonelectric food storage coolers
90100 90118 Novelty and Organizational Flags Flags used for sporting and recreational events or flags used to indicate a group team organization or other non-governmental entity.
21320 21324 Oars, paddles Oars paddles
93102 93104 Online Games Online games include subscriptions to one or more online games. Customers pay periodic subscription fees to gain access to server- or internet-based games (or virtual worlds). Any related or required game software is separate from an online games service.
20040 92020 Other Helmets Other helmets are devices designed to attenuate impacts to the head sustained while performing a sport or other activity. Other helmets are not hats or headdresses designed for fashion religious or entertainment purposes (see Clothing accessories TIC: 20020).

21000 Other Sales Tax Holiday Items
31000 93101 Other/Miscellaneous Digital goods means any electronically delivered (downloaded) digital good with rights for permanent use; for example a desktop wallpaper or mobile phone ringtone or theme.Does not include prewritten computer software delivered electronically including or apps for mobile devices which are considered prewritten software (TIC: 30050). Use TIC 30050 for prewritten computer software delivered electronically.
21350 21355 Outdoor gas or charcoal grills Outdoor gas or charcoal grills
51002 51155 Over-the-counter Over-the-counter
51001 51135 Over-the-counter Over-the-counter
51002 51115 Oxygen Oxygen
51001 51095 Oxygen Oxygen
50000 52125 Oxygen delivery equipment Oxygen delivery equipment
21320 21326 Paddleboards, surfboards Paddleboards surfboards
60000 61325 Paging service Paging service means a telecommunications service that provides transmission of coded radio signals for the purpose of activating specific pagers; such transmissions may include messages and/or sounds.
92500 92503 Paper Money Paper Money which is not legal tender in the United States
91080 91082 Participant Admission fees Participant Admission Fees are charges for admission to places of amusement entertainment and sports where the purchaser will be actively participating in the performance event or activity.Participant Admission Fees are not the same as Equipment Rentals where a purchaser is charged for the rental use of equipment or accessories used in an activity (e.g. bicycles boats bowling shoes fishing equipment horses (for horseback riding) skates golf carts jet skis go carts etc.).
90101 90110 Pennsylvania flag The flag of the state of Pennsylvania.
51170 51176 Period underwear Period underwear
93110 93115 Periodicals Periodicals are published works that appear as new editions at regular intervals of more than one day.Does not include video audio podcasts electronic books newspapers or any other electronic goods.
30100 93013 Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) A personal digital assistant (PDA) is a handheld data organizer.This does not include smartphones such as Blackberry(R) iPhone(R) Android(R) etc.
20200 20210 Pet beds Pet beds
20200 20203 Collapsible or travel-sized food or water bowls for pets Collapsible or travel-sized food or water bowls for pets
20200 20208 Pet pads Pet pads
20150 20200 Pet Related Disaster Preparedness Supplies Pet Related Disaster Preparedness Supplies
20200 20205 Pet waste disposal bags Pet waste disposal bags
21000 21204 Plumbing inspection equipment Plumbing inspection equipment
21000 21330 Residential Pool Supplies Pool supplies
20160 20161 Disaster preparedness portable generators and power cords Disaster preparedness portable generators and power cords to provide light or communications or preserve food in the event of a power outage. For disaster preparedness general supplies please use TIC 20160
21310 21314 Portable hammocks Portable hammocks
20200 20211 Portable pet kennels or pet carriers Portable pet kennels or pet carriers
20160 20167 Portable power banks Portable power banks
20160 20162 Portable self-powered light sources Portable self-powered light sources including flashlights lanterns and candles
20160 20163 Portable self-powered radios, two-way radios, or weather-band radios Portable self-powered radios two-way radios or weather-band radios
10000 11099 Postage/Delivery Delivery charges means charges by the seller of personal property or services for preparation and delivery to a location designated by the purchaser of personal property or services including but not limited to transportation shipping postage handling crating and packing.Unless a seller separately states the delivery charges or components of delivery charges on the invoice or similar billing document given to the purchaser those non-separately stated charges will not qualify for the exclusion from sales price.The exclusion of delivery charges for direct mail shall apply to any sale involving the delivery or mailing of: direct mail; printed material that would otherwise be direct mail that results from a transaction that a state considers the sale of a service; or printed material delivered or mailed to a mass audience when the costs of the printed materials are not billed directly to the recipients and is the result of a transaction that includes the development of billing information or the provision of data processing services.If a shipment includes exempt property and taxable property the seller should allocate the delivery charge by using:A percentage based on the total sales prices of the taxable property compared to the total sales prices of all property in the shipment; orA percentage based on the total weight of the taxable property compared to the total weight of all property in the shipment.The seller must tax the percentage of the delivery charge allocated to the taxable property but does not have to tax the percentage allocated to the exempt property.
10001 11011 Transportation, shipping, postage, and similar charges by USPS Transportation shipping postage and similar charges by USPS.IMPORTANT: TIC 11011 should only be used if your are charging your customer your actual shipping cost as can be demonstrated by your invoice from your shipping provider AND use the USPS for shipping.If you offer "Flat Rate Shipping" (regardless of your actual shipping costs) or if you markup your shipping charges (charing your customers more than your actual shipping cost) you should use Shipping TIC 11013.
10001 11013 Transportation, shipping, postage, and similar charges where the charge is marked up. Transportation shipping postage and similar charges where the seller marks up the shipping charge (charging your customers more than your actual shipping cost).
10001 11012 Transportation, shipping, postage, with pick-up option Transportation shipping postage and similar charges.IMPORTANT: TIC 11012 should only be used if your are charging your customer your actual shipping cost and the customer has the option to pick-up the order as can be demonstrated by your invoice from your shipping provider.If you offer "Flat Rate Shipping" (regardless of your actual shipping costs) or if you markup your shipping charges (charing your customers more than your actual shipping cost) you should use Shipping TIC 11013.
90102 90117 POW-MIA The official POW-MIA flag which is recognized by U.S. Public Law 101-355.
21000 21201 Power tool batteries Power tool batteries
21000 21206 Power tools Power tools
41000 41041 Prepared food that can only be consumed off-premises Food prepared by a seller that is picked up by or delivered to the purchaser. The food is not for immediate consumption or on premise consumption since the seller does not have premises (tables/chairs/sitting area) available to the purchaser.
41000 41040 Prpared uncooked food Prepared uncooked food is prepared food that is:Sold without eating utensils provided by the seller and;Ordinarily requires cooking (as opposed to just reheating) by the consumer prior to consumption.Example: Take-and-bake pizza which is prepared by the seller with specific ingredients and topings based upon a purchaser-specific order but is sold to the purchaser in an uncooked or partially-cooked state.
30100 93016 Printer Supplies Printer supplies include paper inks toner cartridges and repair and/or maintenance parts for printers (TIC: 93015).Printer supplies do not include printers computers computer peripherals or furniture.
30100 93015 Printers Printers include any computer- or network-connected laser ink jet thermal transfer or dot matrix printer.Printers do not include computer peripherals (TIC: 93011) or printer supplies (TIC: 93016).
50000 54000 Prosthetic devices Prosthetic device means a replacement corrective or supportive device including repair and replacement parts for same worn on or in the body to:Artificially replace a missing portion of the body;Prevent or correct physical deformity or malfunction; orSupport a weak or deformed portion of the body.Prosthetic device does not include:Corrective eyeglasses; orContact lenses.
20030 20302 Protective coveralls Protective coveralls
92030 92031 Religious Materials and Texts Religious Materials and Texts include Bibles Korans Testaments religious papers song books or literature used for religious instruction and teaching.Note: Sales tax exemptions for religious texts have been challenged in the courts and although several states may still have such exemptions in statute most of those states are permanently enjoined from enforcing the exemption.
20070 92017 Religious Materials and Texts this tic is deprecated. The new tic is 92031 for Religious Materials. Religious Materials and Texts include Bibles Korans Testaments religious papers song books or literature used for religious instruction and teaching.Note: Sales tax exemptions for religious texts have been challenged in the courts and although several states may still have such exemptions in statute most of those states are permanently enjoined from enforcing the exemption.
20150 92018 Religious Materials and Texts this tic is deprecated. PLEASE USE TIC 92017 (IN SCHOOL SUPPLIES)Religious Materials and Texts include Bibles Korans Testaments religious papers song books or literature used for religious instruction and teaching.Note: Sales tax exemptions for religious texts have been challenged in the courts and although several states may still have such exemptions in statute most of those states are permanently enjoined from enforcing the exemption.

92030 Religious Products Religious products. Use TIC 92031 for religious materials and texts. Use TIC 92032 for Altar paraphernalia sacramental chalices and similar church supplies and equipment.
30070 93204 Remote CPU Service Remote CPU Service means sperately stated remote computing resources which may include remote storage.
30070 93201 Remote Data Processing Service Remote Data Processing Service means remote data processing service that is not controlled or directed by the customer using specialized or proprietary software.
30070 93200 Remote Data Processing Software Remote Data Processing Software means remote data processing service controlled or directed by the customer using specialized or proprietary software.
30070 93203 Remote Storage Service Remote Storage Service means sperately stated remote data storage capacity.
30040 30070 Remotely Accessed Prewritten Software Remotely Accessed Prewritten Software means prewritten computer software accessed by the purchaser remotely (not downloaded).Remote access to prewritten software does not include subscription-based access to newspapers (TIC: 93113) periodicals (TIC: 93117) online gaming (TIC: 93104) audio streaming (TIC: 31090) video streaming (TIC: 31060) or any other electronically delivered (downloaded) goods.Merchant Advisory: Remotely Accessed Prewritten Software more commonly known as cloud computing is an activity that creates many layers of complexity in regards to sales tax. This is due to the fact that the technology has evolved faster than the tax laws or regulators ability to address the issue. While some states have addressed the issue of taxability they differ in what determines taxability. For example Pennsylvania has ruled that remote access is taxable if the end user is located in Pennsylvania regardless of the location of the Application Service Provider (ASP) server (SUT-12-001). On the other hand Utah has determined that remote access on servers located outside of Utah is not taxable (PLR 10-011).Important: Due to the rapidly evolving nature of digital goods and cloud computing you should consult with your legal counsel or a tax professional to determine the most appropriate digital goods TIC.
30070 93205 Remotely Accessed Software for Business use Remotely Accessed Software for Business Use means prewritten remotely accessed software used exclusively for business purposes. Note: In all but one state this TIC 93205 is identical to TIC 30070 (Remotely Accessed Prewritten Software).
30070 93206 Remotely Accessed Software for personal use Remotely Accessed Software for Personal Use means prewritten remotely accessed software used exclusively for non-business purposes. Note: TIC 93205 is business use while TIC 30070 (Remotely Accessed Prewritten Software) type is not specific
91061 91063 Rental Parts or Supplies Rental Equipment Supplies are expendable or nonexpendable repair or replacement part sold to become part of “rental equipment” and documentation relating to each purchased Rental Equipment Supply specifically itemizes the actual item of “rental equipment” to which the purchased item is intended to be attached as a repair or replacement part.
52000 52512 Repair and replacement parts for breast pump which are for single patient use Repair and replacement parts for breast pump which are for single patient use
52000 52543 Repair and replacement parts for breast pump kit which are for single patient use Repair and replacement parts for breast pump kit which are for single patient use
21330 21332 Residential pool & spa chemicals purchased by an individual Residential pool & spa chemicals purchased by an individual
91070 91074 Retail Club Retail Club membership fees or dues related to the anticipated sale of tangible personal property at a discounted price for persons who have paid such membership fees or dues.
20180 20182 Reusable ice Reusable ice
90101 90111 Rhode Island flag The flag of the state of Rhode Island.
21320 21322 Safety flares Safety flares
20030 20301 Safety glasses Safety glasses ($50 or less per pair or the equivalent if sold in sets of more than one pair)
20150 20170 Disaster preparedness safety supply Disaster preparedness safety supplies include:Carbon monoxide detectorsSmoke detectorsFire extinguishersFirst aid kits. Use 20173 for carbon monozide detectors 20171 for smoke detectors 20172 for fire extinguishers and 20174 for first aid kits.
92010 92013 Scarves Scarves are pieces of fabric worn around the neck or near the head for warmth religion or fashion. This does not include bandanas or pocket squares.
40000 40031 Seeds and plants for use in gardens to produce food for the personal consumption of a household Seeds and plants for use in gardens to produce food for the personal consumption of a household
99997 11110 Seller State Responsible Seller State Responsible is a very special category of state and local taxes on a retail sale that are imposed on the seller if the state statute authorizing or imposing the tax provides that the seller may but is not required to collect such tax from the consumer. The tax must be separately stated on the invoice bill of sale or similar document given to the purchaser.IMPORTANT: Do not use this TIC unless you are absolutely confident (as advised by your tax counsel) that this is the proper TIC for your sales activity.
99997 11120 Seller Tribal Responsible Seller Tribal Responsibility is a very special category of tribal taxes on a retail sale that are imposed on the seller if the Tribal law authorizing or imposing the tax provides that the seller may but is not required to collect such tax from the consumer.IMPORTANT: Do not use this TIC unless you are absolutely confident (as advised by your tax counsel) that this is the proper TIC for your sales activity.
20000 92022 Sewing Materials Sewing Materials become part of clothing including but not limited to buttons fabric lace thread yarn and zippers.
11099 90022 Shipping (optional customer pickup) Shipping Charges (where local pickup is an option)Many states always tax shipping charges—but a few states (such as Florida and Missouri) actually provide an exemption from sales tax on shipping charges if the purchaser has the option to avoid the shipping charge by picking up the item locally.Only use this TIC 90022 if the transaction must meets the following criteria.The shipping charge is separately stated on the invoice.The purchaser has the option of picking up the purchased item(s) thus avoiding the shipping charge.In other words if the shipping charges cannot be avoided then the shipping charges are taxable.
21000 21213 Shop lights Shop lights
21000 21210 Shovels and rakes Shovels and rakes
93115 93116 Single Issue Downloadable single issues of periodicals.
93111 93112 Single Issue Downloadable single issues of newspapers.
21310 21313 Sleeping bags Sleeping bags
20170 20171 Smoke detectors or smoke alarms Smoke detectors or smoke alarms
20040 92008 Snow Suits Snow Suits are made to be worn over the rest of the clothes when engaged in winter activities including Skiing Snowboarding or Snowmobiling. They may be one-piece in the form of a jumpsuit or two-piece in the form of specialized pants and coat.Snow Suits are not overalls or jackets (See Clothing TIC: 20010).
91070 91073 Social or Civic Organization Social or Civic Organization Membership Fees include initiation fees membership fees or dues for access to or use of the property or facilities of a social or civic association. Such social or civic association must be registered with the IRS as a tax-exempt organization.
90100 90102 Special causes flags Flags designed to raise social and civic awareness and show support for causes and movements.
10000 99997 Specialized Specialized reporting TICs allow retailers to report other non-sales tax reporting items to TaxCloud for inclusion in sales tax reports.
20000 92010 Specialty clothing Specialty clothing includes garments that are used for very special occasions such as coronations graduations parades religious rites and trials.
91080 91081 Spectator Admission fees Spectator Admission Fees are charges for admission to places of amusement entertainment and sports where the purchaser will be watching the performance event or activity but not participating.
91061 91064 Sports or Amusement Rental Sports or Amusement Equipment are charges made for the privilege of using items for amusement sports entertainment or recreational activity such as trampolines golf carts jet skis snow skis snowboards bicycles etc.
90100 90101 State and province flags Flags and banners that represent states and provinces. Use this TIC if none is listed below for a specific state or province.
31099 31121 Subscriptions to products transferred electronically Subscriptions to products transferred electronically
93111 93113 Subscription Subscription means access to newspapers that are delivered via download or accessed online. Customers pay periodic subscription fees for access.
93115 93117 Subscription Subscription means access to periodicals that are delivered via download or accessed online. Customers pay periodic subscription fees to gain/maintain access.
20020 20021 Sunglasses - non-prescription Sunglasses - non-prescription
51170 51174 Sunscreen and sunblock Sunscreen and sunblock
92010 92012 Swim suits Swimsuits are clothing designed to be worn while engaging in a water-based activity or during activity in the sun. This does include not hats or sunglasses.
21300 21302 Tackle boxes or bags Tackle boxes or bags
20190 20191 Tarpaulins or other flexible waterproof sheeting Tarpaulins or other flexible waterproof sheeting
91061 91065 For Tax Exempt Project Rental Equipment for For Tax Exempt Projects are charges made for the privilege of using items for use on the site of any tax exempt project (any corporation foundation organization or institution or services which are exempted from taxation under the provisions of section 801(c)(3) of the Federal Internal Revenue Code) or while being used exclusively for the transportation of materials for any tax exempt project.
90400 90409 Tea Tea includes all liquid leaf and powdered forms except hot tea which is considerd Prepared Food (41000).
90101 90112 Tennessee flag The flag of the state of Tennessee. This TIC should be used only by nonprofit sellers. If you are not a nonprofit seller please use the TIC 90101 State and province flags.
21310 21317 Tents Tents
99997 99995 Tire Fees Tire Fees In addition to sales tax many states levy an additional fee on the sale of replace replacement tires for vehicles including cars trucks trailers aircraft farm equipment etc. Tire Fees vary by state and are typically a flat fee (i.e. $10.00) rather than percentage of the "Sales Price". Tire Fees typically must be displayed as a distinct line-item on a customer invoice but are not subject to sales tax.As of 2013 these fees are:

StateFeeAL$1.00 per tireAK$2.50 per tireAZ2% fee up to $2.00 per tireAR$2.00 per passenger tire$5.00 per medium truck tireCA$1.75 per tireCO$1.50 per tireFL$1.00 per tireGA$1.00 per tireIL$2.50 per tireIN$0.25 per tireIA$1.00 per tireKS$0.25 per tireKY$1.00 per tireLA$2.00 per passenger/light truck tire$5.00 per medium truck tire$10.00 per large (off road) tireME$1.00 per tireMD$0.80 per tireMS$1.00 per tire - rim size less than 24 inches$2.00 per tire - rim size 24 inches or moreMO$0.50 per tireNE$1.00 per tireNV$1.00 per tireNJ$1.50 per tireNY$2.50 per tireNC2% of cost of tire - rim size less than 20 inches1% of cost of tire - rim size 20 inches or moreOH$1.00 per tireOK$2.50 per tire - rim size 19.5 inches or less $3.50 per tire - rim size more than 19.5 inchesPA$1.00 per tireRI$0.50 per tireSC$2.00 per tireTN$1.35 per tireUT$1.00 per tireVA$0.50 per tireWA$1.00 per tire
96100 96102 Toilet Tissue Toilet tissue. Disposable household paper products other than toilet tissue should be classified as 96101
20030 20304 Tool belts Tool belts
21000 21209 Tool boxes Tool boxes
21000 21207 Tool boxes for vehicles Tool boxes for vehicles
10000 10061 Trade-ins of like-kind property Trade-ins of property of the same type or character
10000 10063 Trade-ins of motor vehicles Trade-in of registered motor vehicles
10000 10062 Trade-ins of non-like kind property Trade-in of property not necessarily of the same type or character
10000 10065 Trade-ins of watercraft and trailer or outboard motor Trade-in of any watercraft and trailer or outboard motor on the sale of watercraft or outboard motor by a licensed dealer. (Currently Ohio only).
10000 10064 Trade-ins of watercraft on watercraft Trade-in of titled or registered watercraft or vessels on the sale of registered or titled watercraft or vessels.
96100 96106 Trash bags Trash bags
90119 90103 United States flag The flag of the United States of America. Sales sourced to Tennessee or Vermont have special rules depending on the seller. Please see the TICs for Tennessee and Vermont flags.
40000 90012 Unprepared Food Food that is sold unheated or unprepared for the consumer. This description includes food consumed off the business premises and is intended to be eaten at home.
99997 99998 Use Tax Reporting This special Ues Tax Reporting category is for bulk reporting of the retailers own operational use tax self-remittance obligations.
90101 90113 Vermont flag The flag of the state of Vermont. This TIC should be used only by nonprofit veterans organizations. If you are not a nonprofit veterans organization please use the TIC 90101 State and province flags.
90101 90115 Virginia flag The flag of the state of Virginia. This TIC applies only if the seller is a government agency.
40000 90011 Vitamins Non-prescription vitamins are generally taxed similar to dietary supplements (TIC: 40020).Vitamins here refers to nutritional supplements that provide vitamins organic compounds that are needed in small amounts for normal growth and activity of the body.
91000 91020 Voluntary Gratuity An additional consideration provided by a customer to a service provider usually a waiter bartender bellhop valet etc. The additional consideration is entirely voluntary by the customer and left only to the service provider not the restaurant bar hotel or the business who employs the service provider. Voluntary gratuities are typically left in cash or added to a charge receipt on a blank line where the customer has the sole discretion pertaining to the amount. Any gratuity added to a charge receipt is subsequently turned over to the service provider in full. For mandatory gratuities use TIC 91021 or 91022.
91000 91100 Waste collection and removal services Waste collection and removal services
90400 90401 Water Water means nonflavored mineral sparkling filtered or tap water. Tax treatment may vary by the volume of contaniers in which water is sold (less than a gallon vs. one gallon or more).Water does not include Flavored Water (90404)
21350 21352 Water bottles Water bottles
30000 20106 Water-Conserving Products Water-conserving products are items that are used or planted for conserving or retaining groundwater recharging water tables or decreasing ambient air temperature and thus limiting water evaporation. Examples include a soaker or drip-irrigation hose a moisture control for a sprinkler or irrigation system mulch a rain barrel or an alternative rain and moisture collection system a permeable ground cover surface that allows water to reach underground basins aquifers or water collection points plants trees and grasses water-saving surfactants and soil and compost. Use TIC 21023 for WaterSense landscape irrigation controllers
20105 21018 WaterSense bathroom sink WaterSense bathroom sink
20105 21019 WaterSense faucet accessories WaterSense faucet accessories
20105 21023 WaterSense landscape irrigation controllers WaterSense landscape irrigation controllers
30000 20105 WaterSense Products WaterSense Product means a product that meets the water efficiency and performance criteria set by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and is authorized to bear the United States Environmental Protection Agency WaterSense label. Covered products are those listed at or successor address. Use TIC 21018 for WaterSense bathroom sink 21019 fo WaterSense faucet accessories 21020 for WaterSense showerhead 21021 for WaterSense toilet 21022 for WaterSense urinal
20105 21020 WaterSense showerhead WaterSense showerhead
20105 21021 WaterSense toilet WaterSense toilet
20105 21022 WaterSense urinal WaterSense urinal
31000 93119 Web Site (subscriptions-based) See Remote Access to Prewritten Software TIC: 30070.
90101 90116 West Virginia flag The flag of the state of West Virginia. This TIC applies only to regulation-sized flags.
20200 20201 Wet dog or cat food if sold individually in a can or pouch or the equivalent if sold in a box or case Wet dog or cat food if sold individually in a can or pouch or the equivalent if sold in a box or case
90101 90114 Wisconsin flag The flag of the state of Wisconsin.
20010 20013 Work Boots Work Boots
20030 20300 Work gloves Work gloves
91070 91071 Youth Club Youth Club Membership Fees are initiation fees membership fees or dues for access to or use of the property or facilities if a club or organization whose members are predominantly age 18 or under.

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